
ALERT! The SOSmobile is removed from the main development of th e52°North SOS and the further development has stopped.ALERT!

The latest state of the SSOmobile can be downloaded from the SVN branch:

This page is nascent. For general information about the SOSmobile see the attached document Providing Mobile Sensor Data in a Standardized Way - The SOSmobile Web Service Interface by by Christoph Stasch, Arne Bröring and Alexander C. Walkowski.

Problems and Motivation


The Approach: The DomainFeature-Concept



Adjusted Operations










New Operations



Data model

History-enabled attributes

The following attributes of the UpdateSensor Operation are stored in a seperate table, procedure_history, together with the corresponding procedure_id:
  • time_stamp: A time stamp denoting the time and date of the change
  • position: A geometry denoting the position of the sensor
  • active: A boolean denoting whether the sensor was active, i.e. not in a sleep or disabled state, and thereby collecting data at the time of the update
  • mobile: A boolean denoting whether the sensor is moving at the time of the update

Donwload and Install

The sources for the mobileSOS are located in the SOS branches folder. The name of the branch is 52n-mobileSOS. HowTo get the sources from the SVN is descibred in the SvnSos tutorial. Only the sources location differs and here is the link for the mobileSOS sources. The installation guide is similar to the installation guide of the standard SOS which is called the SosTutorial. There is one additional property you have to set in the file and some properties have additional parameters which are described in the following table.

PropertySorted descending Description
conf.sos.mobileEnabled Property indicates, whether SOS supports mobile requests ; (default := true) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.listeners Comma separated list of the request listeners which are implemented (without white space!). Change this only if you have implemented further request listeners to support further operations.
Following additional listeners are implemented for the mobileSOS


conf.sos.10.postRequestDecoder SOS 1.0.0 HttpPostRequestDecoder implementation (implementation of IhttpPostRequestDecoder) (HttpPostRequestDecoderMobile for mobileSOS)(ADVANCED)
conf.sos.10.getRequestDecoder SOS 1.0.0 HttpGetRequestDecoder implementation (implementation of IhttpGetRequestDecoder) (HttpGetRequestDecoderMobile for mobileSOS) (ADVANCED)

Use mobile extensions

  • add the attribute mobileEnabled="true" to all requests
  • add Listeners for the new Operations in, e.g. conf.sos.listeners=org.n52.sos.UpdateSensorListener,...


An implementation of the new and adapted Operations is currently developed for the OXFramework.

- Main.danielnuest - 04 Feb 2009
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20080306_SOSmobile.pdfpdf 20080306_SOSmobile.pdf manage 54 K 04 Feb 2009 - 08:35 UnknownUser Paper: Providing Mobile Sensor Data in a Standardized Way - The SOSmobile Web Service Interface
Topic revision: r4 - 09 Aug 2013, DanielNuest
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