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Sensor World

How to start Sensor World

First you have to Check out the project from the svn and make sure to have the right settings.

In each components (VirtualCommunicationLayer, CommunicationSimulation, PhenomenonSimulation, SensorSimulation) source folder you`ll find the org.n52.sensorworld.<name of component>.start package which contains a <name of the component> class. In the main methods of theses classes you have to set whether starting the component from Eclipse/your IDE or as a jar.

To create the jar file you have to set <name of the component>Constants.initMantaray method to true and run the build-jar.xml using ant from the corresponding components folder.

Start up

  • The first component to start is the Virtual Communication component. All necessary methods to register and unregister other components are encapsulated and makes the coummnicaton between the components possible.
  • Starting a phenomenon or sensor: The next step is to start a phenomenon or a sensor. A gui appears and your have to register the component via the register button in the Virtual Communication layer. Make sure that the component registers succesfully ( a log message appears in the gui) and you start the two components one after the other. The sensor simulation has two possibilties how to move and to meausure. The first is to measure and move individually by using the two buttons. The second alternative is combined action with movement and measurement in a specific time intervall.
  • Visualization
    • To start the visualization you have to set the visualization boolean in the main method of the Phenomenon Main.class and create a folder c:/sensorbilder.
    • To choose the visualization run time you can set the constant Viz_Runtime in the Phenomenon Starter class.
    • After the runtime a quicktime video will be created and saved in the folder sensorbilder on the harddisk.
Topic revision: r3 - 11 Jan 2012, DanielNuest
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