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Sensor Observation Service (SOS)


The objective of the Sensor Observation Service (SOS) is to make sensors and sensor data archives accessible via an interoperable web based interface.

SOS implementation specification

The result of the OWS-5 has been an update of the SOS specification, which yielded in the SOS implementation specification 1.0 (OGC 06-009r6) . The SOS 2.0 specification (OGC 12-006) was developed with a lot of community feedback and experiences from real world deployments.

Both specification versions can be downloaded on the OGC website:

52°North SOS


SOS 5.x (current)

SOS 4.x

SOS 3.x

SOS troubleshooting

In the TroubleShooting you find solutions for several problems

SOS example application

You canfind some example application of the SOS using the following links: In the 'Request Examples' drop-down menu you find examples for GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor, GetObservation and the other requests.

52°North SOS client development

  • 52°North is developing a multiclient framework for integration of multiple OGC web services into one client application. The development currently focuses on the integration of sensor data from the SensorObservationService. See OX-Framework for more details!
  • For ArcGIS an SOS adapter is available. It has been part of the CCIP demo within the FOSS4G 2009 in Sydney.
  • The SensorWebClient provides access SOSs by visualizing timeseries data.
  • sos4R provides access to SOSs from the R environment for statistical computing and graphics.
  • 52°North SOS Importer - Tool to import observations & measurement from files formatted using CSV to a running SOS instance

Active SOS developers/contributors

  • Carsten Hollmann
  • Eike H. Jürrens
  • Christian Autermann

Former SOS developers/contributors

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Postgre_Generalizer_Diagram_KML_SOS_Installation.pdfpdf Postgre_Generalizer_Diagram_KML_SOS_Installation.pdf manage 799 K 14 Feb 2013 - 07:41 UnknownUser Installation Guide for SOS with generalizer, diagram and KML support.
Topic revision: r88 - 04 Mar 2020, carstenhollmann
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