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How to check out SOS from SVN repository using Eclipse

This small Step by Step Guide enables you to set up a SVN connection to the SOS Repository via Eclipse.
The SOS SVN Repository is:

Method 1

Step 1: Installing Eclipse Plug-In for Subversion

You can choose between two Plug-Ins for Eclipse to use Subversion (SVN). One Plug-In is Subclipse and the other Plug-In is Subversive (official Eclipse project). There are no big differences between the two Plug-Ins.
Installation guides can be found here: Check Eclipse options for SVN:
  • From the Eclipse menu Window – Preferences choose “Team - SVN” SVN Connector and select SVN Kit as you see in figure 1
Figure 1:

Step 2: Check out the SOS from SVN repository

  • Make a new Project with File – New – Project.
  • Select “SVN - Project from SVN” as you can see in figure 2.
Figure 2:

  • in the next window choose “Create a new repository” and click next.
  • Set http: as Location (figure 3)and click next.
Figure 3:

  • In the following window browse to main/SOS/Service/trunk as in figure 4 and click Ok and then Finish.
Figure 4:

  • Choose 'Check out as a project configured using the New project Wizard' and click Finish (figure 5)
Figure 5:

  • in the following window select General - Project and click Next
Figure 6:

  • define a Project Name. “SOS” for example. Click Finish.
Figure 7:

  • Eclipse is now downloading the SOS from repository.
Now you can see the SOS in your Eclipse Navigator. You have successfully established a SVN connection to the SOS repository

Now you can configurate the SOS described in the SosTutorial.

-- CarstenHollmann - 14 Apr 2010

Method 2

Step 1: Install SVN client

See Step 1 of Method 1.

Step 2: Check out Maven Project from SCM

Project Wizard

Select Project > New > Wizard: Maven > Checkout Maven Projects from SCM


Click Next.


Setup the SCM URL by selecting svn protocol (if it is missing, use the link in the lower right hand corner to install an SVN connector).

Copy and paste the following URL in the URL field, or choose a branch or tag if you need to:


Click Finish.

Finish, Download & Troubleshooting

The Checkout might take a while as it must download many dependencies from Maven repositories and require user input if you have to install new m2e extensions.

If Eclipse hangs on downloading a specific library from a repository in the process "Importing Maven Project", try closing it (killing it) and restarting. Eclipse sometimes has troubles downloading dependencies.

A quick workaround could be to build the project in command line, which will not have download troubles, and then Eclipse will pick up the downloaded files after a Maven configuration update. However, if you kill Eclipse your workspace might have lost the already configured projects. If you do not see the project 52n-sos, then follow these steps.
  • Disable automatic project building (Project, uncheck Build automatically)
  • Right click in the Package Explorer window, or click File.
  • Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects.
  • Select your workspace forlder as the root directory.
  • Select the SOS sub modules (52n-sos-XYZ projects) you want to import, click Finish.
  • m2e imports the selected modules as separate Maven/Java projects.
If your project is not connected to the SVN this might be due to the forced shutdown of Eclipse. Fix this by right clicking on the project 52n-sos, then Team > Share project ... and reconnect to the already set SVN location.

-- DanielNuest - 2012-03-08
Topic revision: r12 - 11 Mar 2014, carstenhollmann
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