SOS Documentation


This page documents the features and functionality since SOS 4.x and all features and functionality are also supported in sos 5.x.

Some Words on OGC SOS

The SOS aggregates readings from live, in-situ and remote sensors. The service provides an interface to make sensors and sensor data archives accessible via an interoperable web based interface. This 52°North SOS implementation supports the OGC SOS versions 1.0.0 and 2.0.

Specification v1.0.0

Four profiles are defined within the SOS OGC Sensor Observation Service version 1.0.0 specification (Na & Priest 2007): core, transactional, enhanced, and entire. The current release implements the core profile comprising of the mandatory operations:
  • GetCapabilities, for requesting a self-description of the service .
  • GetObservation, for requesting the pure sensor data encoded in Observation&Measurements (O&M).
  • DescribeSensor, for requesting information about the sensor itself, encoded in a Sensor Model Language (SensorML) instance document.
The recent development snapshot implements also the following optional operations:
  • GetFeatureOfInterest, for requesting the GML encoded representation of the feature that is the target of the observation.
For the future it is planned to support the followin optional operations:
  • RegisterSensor, for registering new sensors.
  • InsertObservation, for inserting new observations.

Specification v2.0

The OGC SOS 2.0 specification was adopted in 2012 and four extension are defined within the specification: Core, Enhanced, Transactional, and Result Handling.

Core Extension

  • GetCapabilities, for requesting a self-description of the service.

Enhanced Extension

  • GetFeatureOfInterest, for requesting the GML 3.2.1 encoded representation of the feature that is the target of the observation. ">>

  • GetObservaitonById, for requesting the pure sensor data for a specific observation identifier

Transactional Extension

  • InsertSensor, for publishing new sensors.

  • UpdateSensorDescription, for updating the description of a sensor

  • DeleteSensor, for deleting a sensor

  • InsertObservation, for publishing observations for registered sensors.

Result Handling Extension

  • InsertResultTemplate, for inserting a result template into a SOS server that describes the structure of the values of a InsertResult of GetResult request.

  • InsertResult, for uploading raw values accordingly to the structure and encoding defined in the InsertResultTemplate request

  • GetResultTemplate, for getting the result structure and encoding for specific parameter constellations

  • GetResult, for getting the raw data for specific parameter constellations

For more information about the SOS 2.0 specification, see the official OGC SOS 2.0 tutorial is currently not available, see



The DescribeSensor operation is defined in subclause 11 of the SWE Service Model Implementation Standard (OGC 09-001) and describes two mandatory parameter ( procedure, procedureDescriptionFormat) and the optional validTime parameter which is now supported by the 52°North SOS 4.o.o. This parameter allows to query all sensor descriptions for a procedure in the requested format which are valid at the requested time (TimeInstant) or in the requested period of time (TimePeriod). The response contains all valid sensor descriptions with the respective validity period or no sensor description if the requested validTime do not match. Here are some examples for the supported validTime.

For more details about the temporal relationships between validTime and exiting sensor descriptions read the subclause 11.1 of the SWE Service Model Implementation Standard (OGC 09-001). All possible cases, such as a query interval overlapping the valid time interval, or merely touching the valid time interval of a sensors, are covered in the specification.

How can you create sensor descriptions for a specific period of time?

The SWE service model defines quite complex rules how to handle sensor description updates with respect to the validTime contained in the updated sensor descriptions (see requirements 38 to 42). For the sake of simplicity we implemented only the behaviour of requirement 43 so far: if a sensor description is updated at point in time t1 then the validTime interval of the existing sensor description is updated to end at t1, and the new sensor description is valid from t1 on.

If an update sensor operation does contain a validTime element then the service currently throws and exception.


The first example returns all sensor descriptions that match the specific date.
    1	<swes:validTime>
    2	    <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="validTime">
    3	        <gml:timePosition>2013-08-14T15:02:43.219</gml:timePosition>
    4	    </gml:TimeInstant>
    5	</swes:validTime>

The second example returns all sensor descriptions that are valid after the specific date, but several relative operators are possible. Valid indeterminatePosition values are:
  • after
  • before
  • now
  • unknow
    1	<swes:validTime>
    2	    <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="validTime">
    3	        <gml:timePosition indeterminatePosition="after">2013-08-14T15:00:00</gml:timePosition>
    4	    </gml:TimeInstant>
    5	</swes:validTime>


This example returns all sensor descrptions that match the specific period of time.
    1	<swes:validTime>
    2	    <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="validTime">
    3	        <gml:beginPosition>2013-08-14T15:02:43.219</gml:beginPosition>
    4	        <gml:endPosition>2013-08-14t15:02:47</gml:endPosition>
    5	    </gml:TimePeriod>
    6	</swes:validTime>


The GetObservation operations supports the Spatial Filtering Profile


An O&M observation contains different time information like the phenomenonTime and the resultTime. To limit the time range of the returned observations, you can define temporalt filters in the GetObservation request. The SOS 2.0 specification defines as minimum requirement the support of the following two filters:
  • During with a time period
  • TEquals with a time instant
With the temporal filter valueReference you define the time information the filter should be apply to. But you can define more than one filter and in a request and how are they applied?

In the following matrix it is described how the filters are combined:

valueReference phenomenonTime resultTime
phenomenonTime OR AND
resultTime AND OR


The GetResult operations supports the Spatial Filtering Profile


The GetDataAvailability operation is defined in the OGC Discussion Paper: OGC Sensor Observation Service 2.0 Hydrology Profile

The current XML schema of this operation can be found here:

Optional count value

The optional count value in the response can be activated in two ways:
  • default activation via settings
    • You can find the "Should the SOS include value count in GetDataAvailability response?" in the Miscellaneous tab.
  • activation via the request in the swes:extension section:
    1	<swes:extension>
    2	    <swe:Boolean definition="ShowCount">
    3	        <swe:value>true</swe:value>
    4	    </swe:Boolean>
    5	</swes:extension>

Extended ResultTimes

The SOS supports the inclusion of the valid result times for each timeseries in the GetDataAvailability response. The result times are inlcuded in the gda:extension section as shown below:
    1	<gda:extension>
    2	        <swe:DataRecord definition="resultTime">
    3	                <swe:field name="resultTime14">
    4	                        <swe:Time>
    5	                                <swe:value>2010-03-25T00:00:00.000Z</swe:value>
    6	                                <swe:uom xlink:href=""/>
    7	                        </swe:Time>
    8	                </swe:field>
    9	                <swe:field name="resultTime15">
   10	                        <swe:Time>
   11	                                <swe:value>2010-03-25T06:00:00.000Z</swe:value>
   12	                                <swe:uom xlink:href=""/>
   13	                        </swe:Time>
   14	                </swe:field>
   15	                <swe:field name="resultTime16">
   16	                        <swe:Time>
   17	                                <swe:value>2010-03-25T12:00:00.000Z</swe:value>
   18	                                <swe:uom xlink:href=""/>
   19	                        </swe:Time>
   20	                </swe:field>
   21	                <swe:field name="resultTime17">
   22	                        <swe:Time>
   23	                                <swe:value>2010-03-25T18:00:00.000Z</swe:value>
   24	                                <swe:uom xlink:href=""/>
   25	                        </swe:Time>
   26	                </swe:field>
   27	                <swe:field name="resultTime18">
   28	                        <swe:Time>
   29	                                <swe:value>2010-03-26T00:00:00.000Z</swe:value>
   30	                                <swe:uom xlink:href=""/>
   31	                        </swe:Time>
   32	                </swe:field>
   33	        </swe:DataRecord>
   34	</gda:extension>

To activate the addition of the result times you can add the following to options to the swes:extension of the request:
  • add the flag
    1	<swes:extension>
    2	        <swe:Boolean definition="IncludeResultTimes">
    3	            <swe:value>true</swe:value>
    4	    </swe:Boolean>
    5	</swes:extension>
  • add a temporal filter for valueReference phenomenonTime to get the valid result times that match this filer
    1	<swes:extension>
    2	        <fes:During>
    3	                <fes:ValueReference>resultTime</fes:ValueReference>
    4	                <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="tp_1">
    5	                        <gml:beginPosition>2010-03-25T00:00:00.000Z</gml:beginPosition>
    6	                        <gml:endPosition>2010-03-27T00:00:00.000Z</gml:endPosition>
    7	                </gml:TimePeriod>
    8	        </fes:During>
    9	</swes:extension>


Date and Time handling


We have implemented the UtcTimestampType and UtcTimestampTypeDescriptor which forces all Timestamps queried from/inserted to the database to use UTC instead of the JVM's timezone.

Insert requests

Timestamps in insertion requests without a timezone are processed by the 52°North SOS as UTC times. This is not conform to ISO 8601 which defines that timestamps without timezone are in the local/system time.

Therefore, we recommend to use only timestamps with timezone to avoid problems.

Supported ProcedureDescriptionFormats

This sections describes the supported ProcedureDescriptionFormats for insertion and requesting.


The supported ProcedureDescriptionFormats for InsertSensor and UpdateSensorDescription are:

URL MimeType text/xml;subtype="sensorML/1.0.1" text/xml;subtype="sensorml/2.0"


Requesting means that the procedure description is stored as XML string in the database, as XML file or will be generated.

URL MimeType text/xml;subtype="sensorML/1.0.1" text/xml;subtype="sensorml/2.0" -


The converting allows to convert a procedure description from one format to another format. This feature is used if the requested procedure is stored in another format as the requested format. If no converter is available, an exception will be thrown.

In the followin table you can find a list of the supported conversions.

from\to - led-green led-green led-green - led-red led-red led-red -
led-green = supported led-red = not yet supported


Profiling means that you can define the default behaviour of the SOS. For example, the default responseFormat if it is not requested or if the featureOfInterests should be encoded in the observations or only referenced.

A detailed description of this feature can be found here.


The feature can be handled in different ways in the SOS. They can be
  • A contained hosted on the same service
  • B linked/referenced
    • B.1 internal hosted on the same service
    • B.2 external hosted by another service
You can register a feature only indirect using an InsertObservation request. Depending on the option you choose, the feature needs to be encoded in different ways in the request.

An example for option A:
    1	<sos:InsertObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0"
    2	            xmlns:sos=""
    3	            xmlns:swe=""
    4	            xmlns:sml=""
    5	            xmlns:gml=""
    6	            xmlns:xlink=""
    7	            xmlns:om=""
    8	            xmlns:sams=""
    9	            xmlns:sf="">
   10	 <sos:offering></sos:offering>
   11	 <sos:observation>
   12	 <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o1">
   13	 [...]
   14	 <om:featureOfInterest>
   15	 <sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature gml:id="ssf_test_feature_9">
   16	 <gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
   17	 <gml:name>52&#176;North</gml:name>
   18	 <sf:type xlink:href=""/>
   19	 <sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=""/>
   20	 <sams:shape>
   21	 <gml:Point gml:id="test_feature_9">
   22	 <gml:pos srsName="">51.9 7.6</gml:pos>
   23	 </gml:Point>
   24	 </sams:shape>
   25	 </sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature>
   26	 </om:featureOfInterest>
   27	 [...]
   28	 </om:OM_Observation>
   29	 </sos:observation>
   30	</sos:InsertObservation>

Already hosted features can be easily referenced (IDEA! This reduces the amount of data being transmitted). See the next example showing how to reference an feature ( B.1 internal hosted on the same service) using the feature id from an previous InsertObservation request:
    1	<sos:InsertObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0" [...]>
    2	 <sos:offering></sos:offering>
    3	 <sos:observation>
    4	 <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o1">
    5	 [...]
    6	 <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="" />
    7	 [...]
    8	 </om:OM_Observation>
    9	 </sos:observation>
   10	</sos:InsertObservation>

Example showing B.2 external hosted by another service:
    1	<sos:InsertObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0" [...]>
    2	 <sos:offering></sos:offering>
    3	 <sos:observation>
    4	 <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o1">
    5	 [...]
    6	 <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href=";version=1.1.0
    7	                                                                             &amp;request=GetFeature&amp;typename=ns:Lakes
    8	                                                                             &amp;NAMESPACE=xmlns%28ns=;featureid=9" />
    9	 [...]
   10	 </om:OM_Observation>
   11	 </sos:observation>
   12	</sos:InsertObservation>

The href for the referenced feature must be URL encoded.

A related feature is "[a] feature that is directly or indirectly observed/observable by the procedure; can be any feature which the requestor thinks the procedure can make valuable observations for" (Source: OGC#09-001).

The current implementation supports related features as references or instances. A related feature can be used in the context of the following operations:
  • InsertSensor with relatedFeature as href or instance
  • InsertObservation with relatedFeature as sampledFeature in featureOfInterest
  • GetObservation with relatedFeature as featureOfInterest filter value returning all observations that have relatedFeature as sampledFeature
  • GetFeatureOfInterest with relatedFeature as featureOfInterst filter value returning all feature that have relatedFeature as sampledFeature and the instance ← if used in InsertSensor
The request sequence could be the following:
  1. InsertSensor - Insert the procedure at the SOS with a list of related features.
  2. InsertObservation - Insert observations sampling one of the related features.
  3. GetObservation - Request all observations that are sampling one of the related features but having different features of interest.
  4. GetFeatureOfInterest - Request all features that sample one of the related features.
The following request exampled are reduced in length and therefore not directly working. They highlight the currently supported encoding of related features.

    1	<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
    2	<swes:InsertSensor service="SOS" version="2.0.0"
    3	    xmlns:swes=""
    4	    xmlns:sos=""
    5	    xmlns:swe=""
    6	    xmlns:sml=""
    7	    xmlns:gml=""
    8	    xmlns:xlink=""
    9	    xmlns:xsi="" 
   10	    xsi:schemaLocation="">
   11	    <swes:procedureDescriptionFormat></swes:procedureDescriptionFormat>
   12	[...]
   13	<swes:observableProperty>[...]
   14	<!-- This FeatureRelationship shows how to encode the related feature as reference setting the sampledFeature to unknown -->
   15	<swes:relatedFeature>
   16	   <swes:FeatureRelationship>
   17	      <swes:role></swes:role>
   18	      <swes:target xlink:href=""/>
   19	   </swes:FeatureRelationship>
   20	</swes:relatedFeature>
   21	<swes:metadata>
   22	[...]
   23	</swes:InsertSensor>

    1	<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
    2	<sos:InsertObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0"
    3	    xmlns:sos=""
    4	    xmlns:swes=""
    5	    xmlns:swe=""
    6	    xmlns:sml=""
    7	    xmlns:gml=""
    8	    xmlns:xlink=""
    9	    xmlns:om=""
   10	    xmlns:sams=""
   11	    xmlns:sf=""
   12	    xmlns:xsi="" 
   13	    xsi:schemaLocation="">
   14	    <sos:offering></sos:offering>
   15	    <sos:observation>
   16	        <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o1">
   17	            <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   18	            <om:phenomenonTime>
   19	                <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime">
   20	                    <gml:timePosition>2012-07-31T17:45:15.000+00:00</gml:timePosition>
   21	                </gml:TimeInstant>
   22	            </om:phenomenonTime>
   23	            <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime"/>
   24	            <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   25	            <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   26	            <om:featureOfInterest>
   27	                <sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature gml:id="ssf_test_feature_9">
   28	                    <gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
   29	                    <gml:name>52°North</gml:name>
   30	                    <sf:type xlink:href=""/>
   31	                    <!-- this one references the related feature reference -->
   32	                    <sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=""/>
   33	                    <sams:shape>
   34	                        <gml:Point gml:id="test_feature_9">
   35	                            <gml:pos srsName="">51.935101100104916 7.651968812254194</gml:pos>
   36	                        </gml:Point>
   37	                    </sams:shape>
   38	                </sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature>
   39	            </om:featureOfInterest>
   40	            <om:result xsi:type="gml:MeasureType" uom="test_unit_9_3">0.28</om:result>
   41	        </om:OM_Observation>
   42	    </sos:observation>
   43	</sos:InsertObservation>

    1	<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
    2	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    3	<sos:GetObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0"
    4	    xmlns:sos=""
    5	    xmlns:fes=""
    6	    xmlns:gml=""
    7	    xmlns:swe=""
    8	    xmlns:xlink=""
    9	    xmlns:swes=""
   10	    xmlns:xsi=""
   11	    xsi:schemaLocation="">
   12	    <sos:featureOfInterest></sos:featureOfInterest>
   13	</sos:GetObservation>

    1	<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> 
    2	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    3	<sos:GetFeatureOfInterest service="SOS" version="2.0.0"
    4	    xmlns:xsi=""
    5	    xmlns:sos=""
    6	    xmlns:fes=""
    7	    xmlns:gml=""
    8	    xmlns:swe=""
    9	    xmlns:xlink=""
   10	    xmlns:swes=""
   11	    xsi:schemaLocation="">
   12	    <sos:featureOfInterest></sos:featureOfInterest>
   13	</sos:GetFeatureOfInterest>


The SOS supports several reserved elements within the procedure description. With theses elements it is possible to provide faster and better access to observations and procedures. Some of the elements are used during procedure insertion, procedure retrieval, or both.

For more information about Procedure elements.

Procedure Descriptions

Since version 4.0, the SensorObservationService contains a feature to generate a generic but valid and usable procedure description and to enrich procedure descriptions with information used for sensor discovery.

For more information about Procedure descriptions.

Hierarchical Procedure

The hierarchical procedure feature offers the possibility to register and query not just individual single sensors but sensor networks.

For more information about Hierarchical Procedure.

Procedure type support

Available since version: 4.4.0

The SOS supports the insertion and querying of procedure types. By 'type' a procedure is meant for which no observation can be inserted and which provides general information for procedure instances, procedures with observations.

For more information about Procedure type and instance.

Request Extensions



The extension MergeObservationsIntoDataArray forces the SOS to merge all observations resulting from a GetObservation call. In detail, only observations which share the same constellation (having the same procedure, feature of interest, and observable property) are merged into a SweArrayObservation. This request extension can be used via the POX, SOAP, and KVP binding using specification version 2.0.0. The following examples show the difference of using the extension, or not.

Example KVP request
HELP Not URL encoded!


Example Result
    1	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2	<sos:GetObservationResponse [...]>
    3	  <sos:observationData>
    4	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376363586">
    5	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
    6	      <om:phenomenonTime>
    7	        <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="phenomenonTime_1">
    8	          <gml:beginPosition>2012-11-19T14:00:00.000Z</gml:beginPosition>
    9	          <gml:endPosition>2012-11-19T14:09:00.000Z</gml:endPosition>
   10	        </gml:TimePeriod>
   11	      </om:phenomenonTime>
   12	      <om:resultTime>
   13	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="ti_F01129631ED34CE9FFAD3BA90C90F31AC11A8C99">
   14	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:08:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   15	        </gml:TimeInstant>
   16	      </om:resultTime>
   17	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   18	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   19	      <om:featureOfInterest>
   20	        <sams:SFSpatialSamplingFeature xmlns:sams="" xmlns:sf="" gml:id="ssf_4778EDB2FC47A8593A5903CD1D2126B3C306E39B">
   21	          <gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
   22	          <gml:name>DLZ-IT</gml:name>
   23	          <sf:type xlink:href=""/>
   24	          <sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=""/>
   25	          <sams:shape>
   26	            <gml:Point gml:id="pSsf_test_8">
   27	              <gml:pos srsName="">50.68606 10.94306000000006</gml:pos>
   28	            </gml:Point>
   29	          </sams:shape>
   30	        </sams:SFSpatialSamplingFeature>
   31	      </om:featureOfInterest>
   32	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" xsi:type="ns:DataArrayPropertyType">
   33	        <ns:DataArray>
   34	          <ns:elementCount>
   35	            <ns:Count>
   36	              <ns:value>10</ns:value>
   37	            </ns:Count>
   38	          </ns:elementCount>
   39	          <ns:elementType name="Components">
   40	            <ns:DataRecord>
   41	              <ns:field name="phenomenonTime">
   42	                <ns:Time definition="">
   43	                  <ns:uom xlink:href=""/>
   44	                </ns:Time>
   45	              </ns:field>
   46	              <ns:field name="http___www.52north.org_test_observableProperty_8">
   47	                <ns:Quantity definition="">
   48	                  <ns:uom code="test_unit_8"/>
   49	                </ns:Quantity>
   50	              </ns:field>
   51	            </ns:DataRecord>
   52	          </ns:elementType>
   53	          <ns:encoding>
   54	            <ns:TextEncoding blockSeparator=";" tokenSeparator=","/>
   55	          </ns:encoding>
   56	          <ns:values>
   57	            2012-11-19T14:00:00.000Z,1.20;2012-11-19T14:01:00.000Z,1.30;
   58	            2012-11-19T14:02:00.000Z,1.40;2012-11-19T14:03:00.000Z,1.50;
   59	            2012-11-19T14:04:00.000Z,1.60;2012-11-19T14:05:00.000Z,1.70;
   60	            2012-11-19T14:06:00.000Z,1.80;2012-11-19T14:07:00.000Z,1.90;
   61	            2012-11-19T14:08:00.000Z,2.00;2012-11-19T14:09:00.000Z,2.10
   62	           </ns:values>
   63	        </ns:DataArray>
   64	      </om:result>
   65	    </om:OM_Observation>
   66	  </sos:observationData>
   67	</sos:GetObservationResponse>

Example Result without merging
    1	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2	<sos:GetObservationResponse [...]>
    3	  <sos:observationData>
    4	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475717">
    5	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
    6	      <om:phenomenonTime>
    7	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_706">
    8	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:05:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
    9	        </gml:TimeInstant>
   10	      </om:phenomenonTime>
   11	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_706"/>
   12	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   13	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   14	      <om:featureOfInterest>
   15	        <sams:SFSpatialSamplingFeature xmlns:sams="" xmlns:sf="" gml:id="ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472">
   16	          <gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
   17	          <gml:name>DLZ-IT</gml:name>
   18	          <sf:type xlink:href=""/>
   19	          <sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=""/>
   20	          <sams:shape>
   21	            <gml:Point gml:id="pSsf_test_8">
   22	              <gml:pos srsName="">50.68606 10.94306000000006</gml:pos>
   23	            </gml:Point>
   24	          </sams:shape>
   25	        </sams:SFSpatialSamplingFeature>
   26	      </om:featureOfInterest>
   27	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.7</om:result>
   28	    </om:OM_Observation>
   29	  </sos:observationData>
   30	  <sos:observationData>
   31	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475736">
   32	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   33	      <om:phenomenonTime>
   34	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_708">
   35	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:07:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   36	        </gml:TimeInstant>
   37	      </om:phenomenonTime>
   38	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_708"/>
   39	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   40	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   41	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
   42	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.9</om:result>
   43	    </om:OM_Observation>
   44	  </sos:observationData>
   45	  <sos:observationData>
   46	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475748">
   47	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   48	      <om:phenomenonTime>
   49	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_701">
   50	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:00:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   51	        </gml:TimeInstant>
   52	      </om:phenomenonTime>
   53	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_701"/>
   54	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   55	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   56	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
   57	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.2</om:result>
   58	    </om:OM_Observation>
   59	  </sos:observationData>
   60	  <sos:observationData>
   61	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475750">
   62	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   63	      <om:phenomenonTime>
   64	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_707">
   65	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:06:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   66	        </gml:TimeInstant>
   67	      </om:phenomenonTime>
   68	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_707"/>
   69	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   70	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   71	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
   72	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.8</om:result>
   73	    </om:OM_Observation>
   74	  </sos:observationData>
   75	  <sos:observationData>
   76	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475752">
   77	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   78	      <om:phenomenonTime>
   79	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_705">
   80	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:04:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   81	        </gml:TimeInstant>
   82	      </om:phenomenonTime>
   83	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_705"/>
   84	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   85	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   86	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
   87	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.6</om:result>
   88	    </om:OM_Observation>
   89	  </sos:observationData>
   90	  <sos:observationData>
   91	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475753">
   92	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   93	      <om:phenomenonTime>
   94	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_709">
   95	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:08:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   96	        </gml:TimeInstant>
   97	      </om:phenomenonTime>
   98	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_709"/>
   99	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
  100	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
  101	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
  102	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">2.0</om:result>
  103	    </om:OM_Observation>
  104	  </sos:observationData>
  105	  <sos:observationData>
  106	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475755">
  107	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
  108	      <om:phenomenonTime>
  109	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_704">
  110	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:03:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
  111	        </gml:TimeInstant>
  112	      </om:phenomenonTime>
  113	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_704"/>
  114	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
  115	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
  116	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
  117	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.5</om:result>
  118	    </om:OM_Observation>
  119	  </sos:observationData>
  120	  <sos:observationData>
  121	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475756">
  122	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
  123	      <om:phenomenonTime>
  124	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_702">
  125	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:01:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
  126	        </gml:TimeInstant>
  127	      </om:phenomenonTime>
  128	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_702"/>
  129	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
  130	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
  131	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
  132	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.3</om:result>
  133	    </om:OM_Observation>
  134	  </sos:observationData>
  135	  <sos:observationData>
  136	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475758">
  137	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
  138	      <om:phenomenonTime>
  139	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_703">
  140	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:02:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
  141	        </gml:TimeInstant>
  142	      </om:phenomenonTime>
  143	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_703"/>
  144	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
  145	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
  146	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
  147	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">1.4</om:result>
  148	    </om:OM_Observation>
  149	  </sos:observationData>
  150	  <sos:observationData>
  151	    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373376475759">
  152	      <om:type xlink:href=""/>
  153	      <om:phenomenonTime>
  154	        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_710">
  155	          <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T14:09:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
  156	        </gml:TimeInstant>
  157	      </om:phenomenonTime>
  158	      <om:resultTime xlink:href="#phenomenonTime_710"/>
  159	      <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
  160	      <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
  161	      <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_14726DD6A045EC84DDB7C4041FE9FFD839C16472"/>
  162	      <om:result xmlns:ns="" uom="test_unit_8" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">2.1</om:result>
  163	    </om:OM_Observation>
  164	  </sos:observationData>
  165	</sos:GetObservationResponse></sos:GetObservationResponse>



The extension SplitDataArrayIntoObservations forces the SOS to split the incoming SweArrayObservation into single observations. One for each block in the data array. This request extension can be used via SOAP and POX binding using specification version 2.0.0. The following examples show how to use the extension. It requires an transactional instance of the SOS. In addition, a procedure must be inserted before having the observation type allowed that results from the interpretation of the elementType. The table shows how the current implementation matches swe types to observation types:
Swe Type Resulting observation type
Category Category observation
Count Count Observation
Boolean Truth Observation
Quantity Measurement
Text Text Observation
Example InsertObservation request
    1	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2	<sos:InsertObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0" [...]>
    3	    <swes:extension>
    4	      <swe:Boolean definition="SplitDataArrayIntoObservations">
    5	        <swe:value>true</swe:value>
    6	      </swe:Boolean>
    7	    </swes:extension>
    8	    <sos:offering></sos:offering>
    9	    <sos:observation>
   10	        <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o1">
   11	            <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   12	            <om:phenomenonTime>
   13	                <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="phenomenonTime">
   14	                    <gml:beginPosition>2012-11-19T13:30:00+02:00</gml:beginPosition>
   15	                    <gml:endPosition>2012-11-19T13:44:00+02:00</gml:endPosition>
   16	                </gml:TimePeriod>
   17	            </om:phenomenonTime>
   18	            <om:resultTime>
   19	                <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="resultTime">
   20	                    <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T13:50:00+02:00</gml:timePosition>
   21	                </gml:TimeInstant>
   22	            </om:resultTime>
   23	            <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   24	            <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   25	            <om:featureOfInterest>
   26	                <sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature gml:id="ssf_test_feature_6">
   27	                    <gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
   28	                    <gml:name>52&#176;North</gml:name>
   29	                    <sf:type xlink:href=""/>
   30	                    <sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=""/>
   31	                    <sams:shape>
   32	                        <gml:Point gml:id="test_feature_6">
   33	                            <gml:pos srsName="">51.935101100104916 7.651968812254194</gml:pos>
   34	                        </gml:Point>
   35	                    </sams:shape>
   36	                </sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature>
   37	            </om:featureOfInterest>
   38	            <om:result xsi:type="swe:DataArrayPropertyType">
   39	                <swe:DataArray>
   40	                    <swe:elementCount>
   41	                        <swe:Count>
   42	                            <swe:value>15</swe:value>
   43	                        </swe:Count>
   44	                    </swe:elementCount>
   45	                    <swe:elementType name="defs">
   46	                        <swe:DataRecord>
   47	                            <swe:field name="phenomenonTime">
   48	                                <swe:Time definition="">
   49	                                    <swe:uom xlink:href=""/>
   50	                                </swe:Time>
   51	                            </swe:field>
   52	                            <swe:field name="test_observable_property_6">
   53	                                <swe:Quantity definition="">
   54	                                    <swe:uom code="test_unit_6"/>
   55	                                </swe:Quantity>
   56	                            </swe:field>
   57	                        </swe:DataRecord>
   58	                    </swe:elementType>
   59	                    <swe:encoding>
   60	                        <swe:TextEncoding tokenSeparator="#" blockSeparator="@"/>
   61	                    </swe:encoding>
   62	                    <swe:values>
   63	                      2012-11-19T13:30:00+02:00#159.15@2012-11-19T13:31:00+02:00#159.15@2012-11-19T13:32:00+02:00#159.85@
   64	                      2012-11-19T13:33:00+02:00#160.5@2012-11-19T13:34:00+02:00#160.9@2012-11-19T13:35:00+02:00#160.7@
   65	                      2012-11-19T13:36:00+02:00#160.5@2012-11-19T13:37:00+02:00#160.6@2012-11-19T13:38:00+02:00#160.5@
   66	                      2012-11-19T13:39:00+02:00#160.4@2012-11-19T13:40:00+02:00#160.34@2012-11-19T13:41:00+02:00#160.25@
   67	                      2012-11-19T13:42:00+02:00#159.79@2012-11-19T13:43:00+02:00#159.56@2012-11-19T13:44:00+02:00#159.25
   68	                    </swe:values>
   69	                </swe:DataArray>
   70	            </om:result>
   71	        </om:OM_Observation>
   72	    </sos:observation>
   73	</sos:InsertObservation>

Example GetObservation request for the inserted observations
    1	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2	<sos:GetObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0" [...]>
    3	  <sos:procedure></sos:procedure>
    4	  <sos:offering></sos:offering>
    5	  <sos:observedProperty></sos:observedProperty>
    6	  <sos:temporalFilter>
    7	    <fes:During>
    8	      <fes:ValueReference>phenomenonTime</fes:ValueReference>
    9	        <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="tp_1">
   10	          <gml:beginPosition>2012-11-19T13:29:00.000+02:00</gml:beginPosition>
   11	          <gml:endPosition>2012-11-19T13:45:00.000+02:00</gml:endPosition>
   12	        </gml:TimePeriod>
   13	      </fes:During>
   14	    </sos:temporalFilter>
   15	</sos:GetObservation>

Example response
    1	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2	    <sos:GetObservationResponse [...]>
    3	      <sos:observationData>
    4	        <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373381823207">
    5	          <om:type xlink:href=""/>
    6	          <om:phenomenonTime>
    7	            <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_712">
    8	              <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T11:43:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
    9	            </gml:TimeInstant>
   10	          </om:phenomenonTime>
   11	          <om:resultTime>
   12	            <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="ti_9DF0600081E2BBB722ABD17B90C44ABAC62A70DA">
   13	              <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T11:50:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   14	            </gml:TimeInstant>
   15	          </om:resultTime>
   16	          <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   17	          <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   18	          <om:featureOfInterest>
   19	            <sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature gml:id="ssf_C6320596900E2831298BB21FADCA4C7298CCA7D9">
   20	              <gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
   21	              <gml:name>52&#176;North</gml:name>
   22	              <sf:type xlink:href=""/>
   23	              <sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=""/>
   24	              <sams:shape>
   25	                <gml:Point gml:id="test_feature_6">
   26	                  <gml:pos srsName="">51.935101100104916 7.651968812254194</gml:pos>
   27	                </gml:Point>
   28	              </sams:shape>
   29	            </sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature>
   30	          </om:featureOfInterest>
   31	          <om:result uom="test_unit_6" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">159.56</om:result>
   32	        </om:OM_Observation>
   33	      </sos:observationData>
   34	      <sos:observationData>
   35	        <om:OM_Observation gml:id="o_1373381823216">
   36	          <om:type xlink:href=""/>
   37	          <om:phenomenonTime>
   38	            <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="phenomenonTime_724">
   39	              <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T11:41:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   40	            </gml:TimeInstant>
   41	          </om:phenomenonTime>
   42	          <om:resultTime>
   43	            <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="ti_1670BAE4EE79C4C207A368F3BFA245289F61D448">
   44	              <gml:timePosition>2012-11-19T11:50:00.000Z</gml:timePosition>
   45	            </gml:TimeInstant>
   46	          </om:resultTime>
   47	          <om:procedure xlink:href=""/>
   48	          <om:observedProperty xlink:href=""/>
   49	          <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href="#ssf_C6320596900E2831298BB21FADCA4C7298CCA7D9"/>
   50	          <om:result uom="test_unit_6" xsi:type="ns:MeasureType">160.25</om:result>
   51	        </om:OM_Observation>
   52	      </sos:observationData>
   53	      [...]
   54	      </sos:observationData>
   55	    </sos:GetObservationResponse>
   56	  </soap:Body>
   57	</soap:Envelope>

Spatial Filtering Profile

The Spatial Filtering Profile is specified in clause 12 of the SOS 2.0 specification (OGC 12-006). This profile restricts observations to spatial observations which provide a well-defined parameter for the observation location. This parameter carries the sampling geometry of the observation which represents the spatial extent where the observation result applies to and can be targeted by spatial filters. The “Spatial Observation” is defined in the Observation & Measurement 2.0 specification (OGC 10-025) subclause 7.13 and can contain any gml:AbstractGeometry types, such as points, lines or polygons.

If the SOS supports the Spatial Filtering Profile, the observedArea of ObservationOfferings provided in the Contents section of the Capabilities represents the minimum bounding box of the sampling geometries, not the bounding box of the features of interests. So client can detect whether the SOS supports the Spatial Filtering Profile by checking if the Profile appears in the ServiceIdentification section of the Capabilities.

The Spatial Filtering Profile restricts the observations to OM_SpatialObservation. This means that all observations must contain the well-defined parameter which carries the sampling geometry. Since this is not always wanted, the 52°North SOS 4.0.0 provides the ability to use the Spatial Filtering Profile less restrictive. In this case an observation must not contain a sampling geometry. This behaviour can be activated via a property (Service-Settings -> Should this SOS support strict Spatial Filtering Profile?) in the admin backend.

Additional property in "Service" settings:
  • Should this SOS support strict Spatial Filtering Profile?
If this setting is activated, the SOS uses the FeatureOfInterest geometry as samplingGeometry inthe observation if no separate samplingGeometry is defined.

OM_SpatialObservation parameter definition for sampling geometry

The OM_SpatialObservation, defined in subclause 7.13 of Observation & Measurement 2.0 specification (OGC 10-025), can contain any gml:AbstractGeometry types, such as points, lines or polygons. To identify that the om:parameter carries a sampling geometry, the xlink:href attribute should contian the value in the om:name.
    1	<om:parameter>
    2	    <om:NamedValue>
    3	        <om:name xlink:href="" />
    4	        <om:value>
    5	            <gml:Point gml:id="SamplingPoint1">
    6	                <gml:pos srsName="">52.9 7.52</gml:pos>
    7	            </gml:Point>
    8	        </om:value>
    9	    </om:NamedValue>
   10	</om:parameter>

If the Spatial Filtering Profile is not supported and the om:Observsation contains a sampling geometry in the om:parameter element, an exception is thrown.

Spatial filter definition

For filtering the sampling geometry in the GetObservation and GetResult, the valueReference element should contain the value If this value is set, the spatial filter is targeted to the sampling geometries of the observations instead of the featureOfInterest geometries. Here is an exmaple for the spatial filter with sampling geometry valueRefernce
    1	<sos:spatialFilter>
    2	    <fes:BBOX>
    3	        <fes:ValueReference></fes:ValueReference>
    4	        <gml:Envelope srsName="">
    5	            <gml:lowerCorner>0 0</gml:lowerCorner>
    6	            <gml:upperCorner>60 60</gml:upperCorner>
    7	        </gml:Envelope>
    8	    </fes:BBOX>
    9	</sos:spatialFilter>

If the Spatial Filtering Profile is not supported and the spatial filter contains this URL in the valueReference, an exception is thrown.

Transactional Security

52n-sos_admin_tab_transactional-security_small.png For ensuring that only known parties are able to

  • insert new data (e.g. observations, sensors),
  • update existing (e.g. sensor descriptions),
  • and delete data (e.g. observations, sensors)
the SOS brings a build-in feature called Transactional Security. For enabling, just log-in to the administrator web application AdminSettings → select tab Transactional Security ( ../admin/settings#transactional_security). Ensure to check the Transactional security active setting and enter the IPs that should be allowed to execute transactional operations:
  • InsertSensor,
  • InsertObservation,
  • UpdateSensorDescription,
  • DeleteSensor,
  • DeleteObservation.
If you are running your service instance behind a proxy, be sure to add the IP of the proxy, too. In addition, the proxy should provide the following HTTP headers:
  • X-Forwarded-Host
  • X-Forwarded-Server
  • X-Forwarded-For
Another option is to use the HTTP header Authorization with a specified token.

A simple solution to secure the SOS via HTTP Basic Authentication can be found here.


Available since version: 4.1.0

XML response streaming

XML response streaming means that no full XML DOM tree is built up. This feature uses JAVA XMLStreamWriter or XMLEventWriter to write the parts of the response directly to the OutputStream and used for some elements the already existing encoder. For example
  • the SOAP elements are created with a XMLStreamWriter implementation and the SOAPBody content is created with a default encoder, e.g. GetCapabilitiesResponseEncoderv2.
  • the SOS response envelope is created written with a XMLStreamWriter implementation and for the child elements, e.g. OM_Observation of a GetObservationResponse, the OMEncoder is used.
This feature can be activate in the Admin GUI under the tab Streaming if you check "Should this service stream the XML responses?".

Currently, XML writer exits for the following:
  • SOAP 1.2
  • SOS 2.0 response envelopes
  • O&M 2.0 observations
  • WaterML 2.0 TVP/TDR
The advantages of this feature:
  • the reponses can contain more data
  • less memory usage
The disadvantages of this feature:
  • no XML validation on server side
  • If an error occurs, the stream is broken and the exception handling does not meet the SOS 2.0 specification

Database streaming

Database streaming is currently only implemented for GetObservation responses. If this feature is activated, the observation metadata are queried from the datasource and the individual measured values are queried at the encoder level. There are two implementations how the measured values are queried from the database which can be selected in the Admin GUI.

In this case definable number of measured values are queried, processed and the the next chunk is queried from the database.

In this case is iterated over a Hibernate ScrollbaleResult.

This feature can be activate in the Admin GUI under the tab Streaming if you check "Should this service stream datasource values (currently only GetObservation) to encoder?".

And with this setting "Should this service query the streaming datasource values (currently only GetObservation) as chunk of x (true) ora as scrollable values?" you can switch between the chunk and scrollable implementation. With "Number of chunk size" you can define the size of the chunks.

The advantages of this feature:
  • less memory usage
  • very low latency with XML response streaming
The disadvantages of this feature:
  • slower if XML response streaming is not activated
  • If an error occurs, the stream is broken and the exception handling does not meet the SOS 2.0 specification
TODO Add table to show the differences between the settings.

Multilingualism support

Available since version: 4.2.0

Multilingualism support means that you can send a request with the additional parameter language and in the response appropriate values are returned in the queried language. The language value should be of type ISO 639-2/B alpha 3 code or IETF RFC 5646 short/long, e.g. eng/en/en-GB for English, ger/de/de-DE for German, or ita/it/it-IT for Italian.

If the language parameter is absent in the request or the language parameter value is not supported, the default language is used.

This feature requires four additional tables to store the language related information for procedures, offerings, observedProperties, and featureOfInterest. The multilingualism data for the Capabilities are stored in the file database which is used for the settings

This feature is specified in the proposed update of the Technical Guidelines for INSPIRE Download Services which was developed in collaboration with the JRC.

The next subsection lists the operations and elements which are affected by the language parameter.
  • Titles
  • Abstracts
  • Descriptions
  • Offering names (ObservationOffering in the contents section)
Other operations

Other operations whose responses are affected by the requestes language parameter are currently:
  • DescribeSensor
  • GetObservation
  • GetFeatureOfInterest
  • GetObservationById.
All of the listed fields may apply to all mentioned SOS operations.
  • Descriptions
  • Titles
  • Abstracts
  • Observed Property names
  • Procedure names
  • Feature of Interest names
  • Textual quality descriptions
It may be that in the furture further operation responses and elements/fields are affected by the language parameter.


It is necessary to check the Multi language support checkbox in the Advanced Database Configuration of Datasource configuration installation page to support this feature.


The SOS administration interface provides an easy way to add the multilingual information for each object which may be affected by the language parameter.

The default language (default = eng), which is used if no language parameter is requested, can be set in Admin -> Settings : I18N tab
Service Identification

In the Service Identification settings ( Admin -> Settings : Service Identification tab) the administrator can add and modify the multilingual information for the Capabilities. The currently affected elements of the Capabilities document are Title and Abstract. Here is a screenshot of the settings:

I18N Settings

The mutlilingual relevant information for procedure, offering, observableProperty and featureOfInterest can be modified in the I18N Settings ( Admin -> Settings -> I18N settings). The administrator selects first a source and then the concrete object in the drop-down menue. Now he can add new entries by clicking plus, change entries or remove existing entries by clicking minus. Here is an example screenshot of the I18N settings for the offerings:


You can add multilingual names and descriptions for offering, observableProperty and featueOfInterest.

For the procedure you can additionally add multilingual short name and long name valies.

CRS support

Available since version: 4.2.0

CRS support means that you can send a request with the additional parameter crs and in the response appropriate values are returned in the queried CRS.

The 52°North SOS supports the EPSG CRS and allows the following definitions as CRS request values: If the CRS parameter is absent in the request, the default CRS (configurable via settings), is used in the response. In the case of a not supported CRS in the request, a corresponding exception is thrown.

This feature is specified in the proposed update of the Technical Guidelines for INSPIRE Download Services which was developed in collaboration with the JRC.

In the next subsections the elements are listed which are affected by the CRS parameter.

ObservationOffering in the contents of the Capabilities

  • observedArea

Sensor description

  • sensor position/location
  • observedBBOX (Discovery Profile)


  • geometry

SamplingGeomentry in the observation (Spatial Filtering Profile)

  • samplingGeometry

Addtional CRS features

Additionalla the 52°North SOS provides the following CRS dependent features.
Spatial filter

The 52°North SOS supports to define a spatial filter geometry in any supported CRS. Internally the requested geometry is transformed into the stored CRS and applied to the data.
Transactional operation

The 52°North SOS supports to insert a geometry (of a featureOfInterest or the samplingGeometry of an observation) in any supported CRS. Internally the requested geometry is transformed into the stored CRS and inserted into the datastore.


During the installation process you can finde some settings in the CRS settings tab. If you use the 52°North SOS database model it is not necessary to make changes.

  • Datasource settings
    • Are the geometries stored in datasource with northing first: Indicator for the axis order of stored geomentries
    • Is datasource spatial enabled: Idicator if the underlying datasource supports spatial queries and geometry types. If not the SOS supports single column for longitude and latitude.
    • Storage EPSG Code: The EPSG code in which the geometries are stored or will be stored.
  • Query/Response settings
    • CRS authority: The CRS authority, currently is only EPSG supported
    • Default response EPSG Code: The default response EPSG code
    • Supported crs: Reduce the number of supported CRS
    • EPSG Codes with Switched Coordinates: EPSG codes for which the axis order should be switched. Some datasources supports only a certain axis order but the registry, e.g. EPSG registry, defines another axis order for the geometries CRS.


The settings described in the previous Installation section can be changed via the administration interface.

External cache reload

The 52°North SOS provides an automatic cache reloading which can be configured via the admin interface. But in some cases the automatic cache reload is performed at a bad time. In this case you can disable the automatic cache reload and trigger the cache reload externaly via curl request:

curl -X POST -u 'user:pass' 'http://[HOST]:[PORT]/[SOS_WEBAPP]/admin/cache/reload'

  • user: 52N SOS admin interface user name, e.g. admin
  • pass: 52N SOS admin interface password, e.g. password
  • [HOST]: Servlet container host name e.g. localhost
  • [PORT]: Servlet container port, e.g. 8080
  • [SOS_WEBAPP]: Name of the 52N SOS webapp, e.g. 52n-sos-webapp

INSPIRE Specialised Observations

Available since version: 4.4.0

For more information see INSPIRE Specialised Observations

Register binding

Available since version: 4.4.0

The register binding allows to register a new sensor directly with the sensor description.

For more information see Register Binding

OGC WaterML 2.0 enhancements

Available since version: 4.4.0

OGC TimeseriesML 1.0 enhancements

Available since version: 5.0.0

For more information see WaterML 2.0 enhancements

UVF format encoding

Available since version: 4.4.0

For more information see UVF encoding

WaterML qualifier and censoredReason

Available since version: 6.0.0

Supports the OGC WaterML 2.0 qualifier and censoredReason output.

In the settings you can define the qualifier definitions and descriptions for below/above the threshold as well as the censoredReasons href and title. The settings are defined in the Detection Limit tab of the settings.

NEW Aquatic Informatics Aquarius Time-Series proxy

Available since version: 6.0.0(docker: 6.0.0-PR.7)

The SOS supports the provision of Aquatic Informatics Aquarius Time-Series data via the SOS interface. In this case the SOS server operates as a proxy. During the installation you can choose the AQUARIUS Proxy in the Datasource configuration. You can choose from

  • in-memory: metadata are stored in the memory
  • file base: metadata are stored in a file on the file system
  • PostgreSQL: the metadata are stored in a PostgreSQL database

During the installation you define the username, password and the URL of the AQUARIUS service. In the settings you find the AQUARIUS tab where you can defined Extended Attributes to filter the provided data when querying the Aquarius service. Filter values are supported for the Locations and Timeseries and you can define if only Published data should be provided. Furthermore you can defined the qualifier identifier for below/above a detections limit.

For initial information see Setup documentation from Aquatid Informatics

Proxy tab (settings)

In the Proxy tab of the settings you can define the at which time a full metadata harvesting should be scheduled (default is 3:00 in the night) and how often a temporal update should be scheduled (default is every 5 minutes). The notation for the definition is Quartz cron expresssion.

Additional AQUARIUS settings

There are two additional settings that are not decribed in the setup from Aquatic Informatics.

Both, the qualifiers and the grades would be encoded as wml:qualifier in the WaterML 2.0 response of a GetObservation request.
Additional Qualifier

Define additional quailfier that should be considered as a CSV string.
  • Name: Definition of additional qualifier identifiers! (CSV list)
  • Type: String (CSV)
  • Default: Recreational,Recreational Repeats
Grades definition

Flag to set if the grades definition should be loaded from a local file or should be requested from the AQUARIUS service.
  • Name: Should the grades definitions from file be used?
  • Type: bbolean
  • Default: false

The grades definition file
  • Location: {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\{SOS_NAME}\WEB-INF\classes\aquarius\grades.json
  • Schema: Same as the response from the service as JSON


  • Different types of extensions:
    • Decoder/Encoder: SosEncodings
    • Operation: Adding new functionality to the SOS like DeleteObservation operation
    • Binding: Providing different HTTP based protocols/ways to communicate with the SOS like SOAP, KVP, RESTful
  • Ideas for extensions: SensorObservationServiceExtensionIdeas

INSPIRE Download Service extension

Available in version: 4.2.0

52°North supports the JRC in developing an INSPIRE Download Service based on SOS which was announced in this blog post.

The INSPIRE Download Service based on SOS draft builds on the OGC SOS 2.0 specification and the development of the specification and implementation has not been completed.

This section of the 52°North SOS 4.x documentation already describes the necessary extensions for the INSPIRE Download Service. If the development process is finished, this extension will be added to the default 52°North SOS 4.x line.

This extension requires the Multilingual feature and the CRS feature



Addtitional installation instructions to the default instructions.

  • Required:
    • Activate the Multilingual support: Check the Multi language support checkbox in the Advanced Database Configuration of Datasource configuration.
    • Activate strict Spatial Filtering Profile: Check Should this SOS support strict Spatial Filtering Profile? in Service setting.
  • Optional:
    • CRS settings: Change the default CRS and limit the supported CRS. dy definition, the default response EPSG code should be 4258 (ETRS89).
    • I18N settings: Set the default language as ISO 639-2/B alpha 3 code, default = eng.
    • INSPIRE settings: edit the information, see INSPIRE settings.

You can change the Optional settings from the previous Installation section, the multilingual relevant information as described in the feature section or the CRS settings as described in the CRS feature section.
INSPIRE settings

With the INSPIRE settings you can define some values which are used in the!ExtendedCapabilities or en-/disable this extension.
  • Enable INSPIRE extension: en-/disable the INSPIRE extension ( default = disabled)
  • ExtendedCapabilities settings
    • Show full INSPIRE ExtendedCapabilities: Should the Capabilities contain the minimal or the full INSPIRE ExtendedCapabilities
    • INSPIRE MetadataUrl: The Metadata URL
    • INSPIRE MetadataUrl MediaType: The Metadat MediaType
    • INSPIRE Conformity title: The Conformity title
    • INSPIRE Conformity date of creation: The date of creation for the Conformity
    • INSPIRE Metadata date: The Metadata date
    • Use authority as CRS prefix: Which CRS prefix should be use, authority (EPSG::) or OGC CRS URL (

Supported Operations and Bindings

The current draft of the INSPIRE Download Service based on SOS specification affects only the KVP binding and the following SOS 2.0 operations:
  • GetCapabilities
  • DescribeSensor
  • GetObservation
  • GetFeatureOfInterest
  • GetObservationById

Language support

See Multilingualism support.

For the INSPIRE Download Service based on SOS the language value should be of type ISO 639-2/B alpha 3 code , e.g. eng for English, ger for German, or ita for Italian.

CRS support

See CRS support.

By definition, the default CRS of responses should be ETRS89 (EPSG::4258) which can be set by the Default response EPSG Code CRS setting.


The ExtendedCapabilities contains INSPIRE related metadata about the service. In addition to information about the service type, resource location, or PointOfContact, it provides information about the default response language and all supported languages by this service. Furthermore it shows the default response CRS and all supported CRSes.

The language and CRS metadata elements are also used in the offering extension, described in the next section.

Here is an example of the ExtendedCapabilities:
    1	<ows:ExtendedCapabilities>
    2	  <inspire_dls:ExtendedCapabilities xmlns:inspire_common="" xmlns:inspire_dls="">
    3	    <inspire_common:ResourceLocator>
    4	      <inspire_common:URL>http://localhost:8080/52n-sos-webapp/service/kvp?request=GetCapabilities&amp;service=SOS</inspire_common:URL>
    5	      <inspire_common:MediaType>application/xml</inspire_common:MediaType>
    6	    </inspire_common:ResourceLocator>
    7	    <inspire_common:ResourceType>service</inspire_common:ResourceType>
    8	    <inspire_common:TemporalReference/>
    9	    <inspire_common:Conformity>
   10	      <inspire_common:Specification>
   11	        <inspire_common:Title>OGC SOS 2.0 for Inspire</inspire_common:Title>
   12	        <inspire_common:DateOfCreation>2008-06-01T00:00:00.000Z</inspire_common:DateOfCreation>
   13	      </inspire_common:Specification>
   14	      <inspire_common:Degree>notEvaluated</inspire_common:Degree>
   15	    </inspire_common:Conformity>
   16	    <inspire_common:MetadataPointOfContact>
   17	      <inspire_common:OrganisationName>52North</inspire_common:OrganisationName>
   18	      <inspire_common:EmailAddress></inspire_common:EmailAddress>
   19	    </inspire_common:MetadataPointOfContact>
   20	    <inspire_common:MetadataDate>2008-06-01T00:00:00.000Z</inspire_common:MetadataDate>
   21	    <inspire_common:SpatialDataServiceType>download</inspire_common:SpatialDataServiceType>
   22	    <inspire_common:MandatoryKeyword>
   23	      <inspire_common:KeywordValue>infoFeatureAccessService</inspire_common:KeywordValue>
   24	    </inspire_common:MandatoryKeyword>
   25	    <inspire_common:SupportedLanguages>
   26	      <inspire_common:DefaultLanguage>
   27	        <inspire_common:Language>eng</inspire_common:Language>
   28	      </inspire_common:DefaultLanguage>
   29	      <inspire_common:SupportedLanguage>
   30	        <inspire_common:Language>ger</inspire_common:Language>
   31	      </inspire_common:SupportedLanguage>
   32	      <inspire_common:SupportedLanguage>
   33	        <inspire_common:Language>ita</inspire_common:Language>
   34	      </inspire_common:SupportedLanguage>
   35	      <inspire_common:SupportedLanguage>
   36	        <inspire_common:Language>eng</inspire_common:Language>
   37	      </inspire_common:SupportedLanguage>
   38	    </inspire_common:SupportedLanguages>
   39	    <inspire_common:ResponseLanguage>
   40	      <inspire_common:Language>eng</inspire_common:Language>
   41	    </inspire_common:ResponseLanguage>
   42	    <inspire_common:MetadataUrl>
   43	      <inspire_common:URL></inspire_common:URL>
   44	      <inspire_common:MediaType>application/xml</inspire_common:MediaType>
   45	    </inspire_common:MetadataUrl>
   46	    <inspire_dls:SpatialDataSetIdentifier>
   47	      <inspire_common:Code></inspire_common:Code>
   48	    </inspire_dls:SpatialDataSetIdentifier>
   49	    <inspire_dls:SupportedCRS>
   50	      <inspire_dls:DefaultCRS></inspire_dls:DefaultCRS>
   51	      <inspire_dls:OtherCRS></inspire_dls:OtherCRS>
   52	      <inspire_dls:OtherCRS></inspire_dls:OtherCRS>
   53	      <inspire_dls:OtherCRS></inspire_dls:OtherCRS>
   54	      <inspire_dls:OtherCRS></inspire_dls:OtherCRS>
   55	    </inspire_dls:SupportedCRS>
   56	  </inspire_dls:ExtendedCapabilities>
   57	</ows:ExtendedCapabilities>

Offering extension

The extension elements in the ObservationOfferings contains the supported languages and the CRSes for this specific offering. The element content is of type inspire_common:SupportedLanguages for the languages and inspire_dls:SupportedCRS for the CRSes. See ExtendedCapabilities

Spatial Filtering Profile

The INSPIRE Download Service based on SOS specification demands the support of the OGC SOS 2.0 Spatial Filtering Profile. For detailed information about the OGC SOS 2.0 Spatial Filtering Profile read chapter 12 of the OGC SOS 2.0 specification or read this documentation.

Air Quality Data e-Reporting extension

Available since version: 4.3.0

For more information see Air Quality Data e-Reporting extension

Flexible identifier extension

Available since version: 4.3.0

For more information see flexible identifier extension
Topic revision: r5 - 15 Jul 2022, carstenhollmann
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