Additional WaterML 2.0 element support


This section describes which additional WaterML 2.0 elements are supported by the SOS. This includes querying from database tables and the encoding of the elements.


In the WaterML 2.0 MonitoringPoint the SOS supports the RelatedParty and the VerticalDatum elements. How this information is stored in the database, have a look at the adttional database model

For some objects you can define a nilReason or XLINK reference values instead of the values for full encoding.

For full encoded elements, the required elements are listed below for each element and we recommend to read the OGC specifications OGC GML 3.2.1 or to have a look at the XML schema OGC GML 3.2.1 XML schema and ISO GMD XML schema.


To support the loading of WaterML MonitoringPoint information from the database, you have to check the select Extended feature concept of the Feature concept setting during the installation on the datasource configuration page.

Tables and Elements

This section describes the elements (from the standard as it is represented in the XML schema) and links to the tables of the SOS database model.

FeatureOfInterest (table: featureOfInterest)

In the featureOfInterest table the hibernatediscriminator column value should be set to WmlMonitoringPoint if the featureOfInterest is of type WaterML MonitoringPoint.

WaterML MonitoringPoint (table: wmlMonitoringPoint)

The wmlmonitoringpoint currently only contains the related featureOfInterest id.

RelatedParty (tables: responsibleparty and wmlmprelatedparty)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: id, uuid, individual name, organization name, position name, contact info, role

Required elements: role

Contact (table: contact)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: id, uuid, phone, address, online resource, hours of service, contact intructions

Required elements: -

Telephone (table: telephone)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: id, uuid, voice (table), facsimile (table)

Required elements: -

Address (table: address (table))

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: id, uuid, city, administrative area, postal code, country, delivery point (table), mail (table)

Required elements: -

OnlineResource (table: onlineresource)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: id, uuid, linkage, protocol, application profile, name, description, function

Required elements: linkage (URI)

Role (table: role)

Nillable: choice-no

Referenceable: choice-no

Elements: codeList, codeListValue

Required elements: codeList and codeListValue


(tables: verticaldatum and wmlmpverticaldatum)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: identifier, scope (table), name, description, remarks, domain ofv alidity, anchor definition, realization epoch

Required elements: identifier, scope

DomainOfValidity (table: domainofvalidity)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: identifier, name, description, exExtent

Required elements: -

ExExtent (table: exextent)

Nillable: choice-no

Referenceable: choice-no

Elements: id, uuid, description, exVerticalExtent

Required elements: -

ExVerticalExtent (table: verticalexextent)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: id, uuid, minimumValue, maximumValue, verticalCRS

Required elements: minimumValue, maximumValue, verticalCRS

VerticalCRS (table: verticalcrs)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: identifier, name, description, remarks, scope (table), verticalCS, verticalDatum, domaon of validity (table)

Required elements: identifier, scope, verticalCS, verticalDatum

VerticalCS (table: verticalcs)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: identifier, name, description, remarks, aggregation, coordinate system axis

Required elements: identifier, coordinateSystemAxis

CoordinateSystemAxis (table: coordinatesystemaxis)

Nillable: choice-yes

Referenceable: choice-yes

Elements: identifier, name, description, remarks, axis abbrev, axis direction, minimumvalue, maximumvalue, range meaning, uom

Required elements: identifier, axis abbrev, axis direction, uom

TimeSeries Metadata (table: series metadata)

For the TimeSeries metadata the 52N SOS supports the interpolationType and the cumulativ as values that could be retrieved from the database.

How this information should be stored in the database, you should have a look at the additional database model.


To support the additional metadata information loading from the database, you have to check the checkbox Series metadata support during the installation on the datasource configuration page.

Cumulative (metadata.MeasurementTimeseriesMetadata)

The cumulative value applies to a hole series because in the database it is defined for a series. Here is an example how an entry should look in the seriesMetadata table:

InterpolationType (defaultPointMetadata.DefaultTVPMeasurementMetadata)

The interpolationType value applies to a hole series because in the database it is defined for a series. Here is an example how an entry should look in the seriesMetadata table:

Topic revision: r10 - 02 May 2017, carstenhollmann
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