Münster Sensor Data

This page collects ideas and status of prototypical development to make data form sensors in and around the city of Münster available in standardized formats and web interfaces. Please contact DanielNuest if you need more information or want to contribute your own sensor data.


Plan: run a stable demo SOS at 52°North with sensor data from many different sources


Seismic Data

The seismology working group at the Institute for Geophysics at the University of Münster maintains a seismic sensor set-up (two horizontal NS/EW and one vertical) in the basement of their building. Currently its values are analogously and digitally recorded and displayed the the entrance hall of the institute building using a proprietary client-server setup.

2013-05-08_15.10.13.jpg 2013-05-08_15.10.23.jpg 2013-05-08_15.10.32.jpg 2013-05-08_15.10.40.jpg

The data is currently stored in simple text files on a local machine (a new file every 6 hours, ~ 11MB in size each) and made available in real time through a simple socket connection.

  1. Make the data available in near-real time in a SOS to allow the public to view the data
    • Alternatives
        • Make text files accessible online or run parser directly the machine
      • A: connect to socket with special parser service
      • B: parse text files with SosImporter
  2. Run a SES to be notified about spikes in the data
  3. Import data in R using sos4R and test analysis with package RSEIS, http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RSEIS/index.html
  4. Make data available in "seismologic" format/encoding via SOS
Interesting challenges:
  • High frequency of values, but actually only large spikes are interesting > "event driven sampling storage", potential BSc-Topic?
  • Temporal accuracy and time zone matter
Organisational contact: http://www.uni-muenster.de/Physik.GP/Institut/Thomas.shtml, Technical contact: http://www.uni-muenster.de/Physik.GP/Institut/Boemer.html
Other Seismic Data

Seismic data from the IRIS.edu, FDSNWS web services.


Parser of live data: The data are already available though a socket connection (used by the display in the entrance hall), but this could not be accessed remotely. Rechecking with admins...

File parser: test with SosImporter was ok, split up date field could be problematic > preprocessing implemented (works), next steps: integrate pre-processing API into SosImporter (via service loaders), integrate file output for testing into SosImporter

Weather Data

Include/move old WeatherSOS data over and integrate weather information from new FB14 building and a weather station at 52°North offices

Air Quality Data

scrape air quality data from cosm into SOS.

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Topic revision: r4 - 17 Sep 2013, DanielNuest
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