ArcGIS SOS Adapter - Contributor documentation
Here you can find the information you need in order to add or improve features for the SOS Client for
ArcGIS desktop.
Contributor Set-up
The language used for the adapter is C# targeting NET Framework 3.5 and the current features are being tested in
ArcGIS for Desktop 10 and 10.1.
The development environment:
- WIndows Vista Business 32 bit service pack 2
- ArcGIS Desktop 10 service pack 5 (you can use the ).
- ArcObjects SDK for NET Framework 10.0
- SharpDevelop 4.3
- TortoiseSVN 1.7
The adapter was ran sucessfuly in:
- Windows 7 Home edition 64 bit
- ArcGIS Desktop 10.1
Code Checkout
You can find the latest code here:
Create a SharpDevelop project
- SharpDevelop.
- TortoiseSVN.
- ArcGIS Desktop 10 or 10.1.
- ArcObjects SDK for NET Framework 10 or 10.1.
The process is quite simple:
- Using Tortoise SVN checkout the code to your hard drive (for example "...\Documents\SharpDevelop Projects\ArcGIS-SOS-Adapter\trunk\" is a good place).
- Open SharpDevelop and open the solution file "...\Documents\SharpDevelop Projects\ArcGIS-SOS-Adapter\trunk\arcgis-sos-adapter.sln".
- Compile the solution.
- Register the ArcGIS Components using the ESRIRegAsm utility:
- arcgis-sos-adapter-gui.dll
- ArcgisSosGetObservations.dll
Open a command window (as administrator) and find the utility. In ArcGIS 10, the
ESRIRegAsm utility is at:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin
An example registration command for ArcGIS 10 would be:
ESRIRegAsm.exe /p:desktop "c:\Users\alber\Documents\SharpDevelop Projects\ArcGIS-SOS-Adapter\trunk\arcgis-sos-adapter-gui\bin\Debug\arcgis-sos-adapter-gui.dll"
ESRIRegAsm.exe /p:desktop "c:\Users\alber\Documents\SharpDevelop Projects\ArcGIS-SOS-Adapter\trunk\ArcgisSosGetObservations\bin\Debug\ArcgisSosGetObservations.dll"
Common compiling problems
The most common error when compiling the solution are:
- DLL registration fails: This is due to lack of privileges for replacing the compiled DLLs. WORKAROUND: Run your IDE as administrator.
- The system connot find some files: The installer project is not able to find the needed files to build the installer. WORKAROUND: Build the whole solution a couple of times, eventually it finds the files.
- ArcMap.exe does not exist: This is because the location of this file (and some others) differs among ArcGIS 10 and 10.1.
- An enumeration member is not found: Some enumerations changed among ArcGIS Desktop 10 and 10.1. Be careful when using ArcObjects enumerations and please try to keep the compability. Updating ArcGIS Desktop cost money!.
- The GUI and the GeoProcessing Tool are missing in ArcMap and ArcCatalog: The components are not registered with ArcGIS. Probably you forgot to use the ESRIRegAsm utility.
Solution structure
- 52N-arcgis-sos-adapter: Solution folder.
- arcgis-sos-adapter: Adapter's core components.
- Config: Loging and SRS axis swap configuration files.
- Exceptions: Classes for handling exceptions.
- GeoDatabase: Classes representing the GeoDB and its tables.
- geoDBModel: XML GeoDB schema.
- Install: Self registration classes.
- Manual: Manual files.
- Models: Classes representing the XML elements of the responses to "GetCapabilities" and "GetObservation" requests.
- Properties: Assembly information.
- Toolbox: Contains a toolbox with some complementary GpTools.
- Utils: Utility classes.
- Xml
- GetCapabilitiesResponse: Example responses.
- GetObservation: Example request and responses.
- Model: XML model of an agnostic SOS Capabilities document.
- Xslt: Xml transformation file.
- arcgis-sos-adapter-gui: Project containing the adapter's GUI related stuff.
- Config: Logging and default SOS server urls.
- Gui: ArcGIS graphic user interface classes.
- Install: Self registration classes.
- Properties: Assembly information.
- Resources: Icons and logos.
- ArcgisSosGetObservations: Project containing the GetObservation GeoProcessing tool stuff.
- Config: Logging configuration
- Properties: Assembly information.
- InstallAgSosAdapter: Project containing the adapter's installer.
- testing:Project containing some NUnit code classes.
Previous and actual version bugs
Active developers
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.