Documentation for Deprecated Versions of ArcGIS SOS Adapter

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For current versions see ArcGISSosAdapter.

0.2.x and 0.1.x

Ensure you get adapter's latest version. Also, you can get it from SVN directly:
  svn co

If you want to run the adapter with an older version of ArcHydro or ArcGIS respectively, you might be interested in an older version. Here's the complete list of the last versions:

ArcGIS 10 ArcGIS 9.3.1
ALERT! Unfortunately esri does not host the required ArcHydro version anymore. Versions below 0.2.x seem to not function accordingly without that exact ArcHydro version. Please refer to the ArcGIS 10 versions.
Topic revision: r1 - 29 Apr 2014, danielnuest
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