Air Quality Data e-Reporting


This page descibes the Air Quality Data (AQD) e-Reporting extension for the 52°North SOS 4.x.

This extensions extends the database model with additionally columns and tables to store the required information and returns the observations in the prescribed AQD e-Reporting format. Furhtermore you have the possibility to define the Reporting Header that must be included in any AQD e-Reporting encoded observation collection.


The database model is based on the series concept. New tables are added and existing tables were extended with required columns.


  • SOS 4.3.x e-Reporting conceptdatabase model as svg
  • SOS 4.3.x e-Reporting conceptdatabase model as png

Database model was created wiht DbVisualizer

Extended tables


Mapping file: EReportingSeries.hbm.xml

Description: Describes a series, a combination of featureOfInterest, observableProperty, procedure, and samplingPoint

Name Type Constraint Description
samplingPointId long FK, Not Null pointing to the series sampling point, pointing to the entry in the samplingPoint table

Complex Constraint: unique combination of featureOfInterestId, observablePropertyId, procedureId, and samplingPointId


Mapping file: EReportingSeriesObservation.hbm.xml, EReportingSeriesObservationInfo.hbm.xml, EReportingSeriesObservationTime.hbm.xml

Description: Observation table with a relation to the series table.

Name Type Constraint Description
validation int Not Null, default: -1 validation flag, see vocabulary
verification int Not Null, default: 3 verification flag, see vocabulary
primaryobservation character Not Null, default: var primaryObservation flag, see vocabulary
timecoverageflag org.hibernate.type.TrueFalseType - indicator for time coverage
datacaptureflag org.hibernate.type.TrueFalseType - indicator for data capture
datacapture double - Data capture value, used for multi day aggregations
uncertaintyestimation double - value for uncertainty estimation

Complex Constraint: unique combination of seriesId, phenomenonTimeStart, phenomenonTimeEnd, resultTime

New tables


Mapping file: EReportingSamplingPoint.hbm.xml

Description: Stores the SamplingPoint data.

Name Type Constraint Description
samplingPointId long PK id of the samplingPoint
identifier string unique, Not Null the identifier of the samplingPoint
codespace long FK the codespace for the identifier, pointing to the entry in the codespace table
name string - this corresponds to the names of the samplingPoint
codespaceName long FK the codespace for the name, pointing to the entry in the codespace table
description string - description of this samplingPoint, e.g. keywords
assessmenttype string FK, Not Null the assessmentType for the samplingPoint, pointing to the entry in the assessmentType table
station long FK the station relating to the samplingPoint, pointing to the entry in the station table, (NEW since 4.3.0-M4)
network long FK the networkrelating to the samplingPoint, pointing to the entry in the network table, (NEW since 4.3.0-M4)

Complex Constraint:


Mapping file: EReportingAssessmentType.hbm.xml

Description: Stores the AssessmentTypes data.

Name Type Constraint Description
assessmenttype string PK the identifier of the assessmentType
uri string - assessmentType definition link, see vocabulary

Complex Constraint:

station (NEW since 4.3.0-M4)

Mapping file: EReportingStation.hbm.xml

Description: Stores the Station data.

Name Type Constraint Description
stationId long PK id of the station
identifier string unique, Not Null the identifier of the station
codespace long FK the codespace for the identifier, pointing to the entry in the codespace table
name string - this corresponds to the names of the station
codespaceName long FK the codespace for the name, pointing to the entry in the codespace table
description string - description of this station, e.g. keywords

Complex Constraint:

network (NEW since 4.3.0-M4)

Mapping file: EReportingNetwork.hbm.xml

Description: Stores the Network data.

Name Type Constraint Description
networkId long PK id of the network
identifier string unique, Not Null the identifier of the network
codespace long FK the codespace for the identifier, pointing to the entry in the codespace table
name string - this corresponds to the names of the network
codespaceName long FK the codespace for the name, pointing to the entry in the codespace table
description string - description of this network, e.g. keywords

Complex Constraint:


Mapping file: EReportinQuality.hbm.xml

Description: Stores the observation result quality information for yearly reporting.

Name Type Constraint Description
id long PK -
series long Not Null referenced series
year int Not Null references year
primaryobservation character Not Null primaryObservation flag, see vocabulary
timecoverageflag org.hibernate.type.TrueFalseType - indicator for time coverage
datacaptureflag org.hibernate.type.TrueFalseType - indicator for data capture
uncertaintyestimation double - value for uncertainty estimation

Complex Constraint: unique combination of series, year, primaryobservation


The installation of the e-Reporting SOS is very similar to the default installation. The difference is in the choice of the database model where eREporting concept should be selectd, see the screenshot:



Set up the e-Reporting Headers

  • After the deployment it is necessary to initial set up the e-Reporting Headers. This can be done in the admin interface:


  • After you have selected eReporting you can see the form to enter the global e-Reporting Header information as organisation name, roles, contact information, ...

  • On the left side you can find an overview of the e-Reporting Header elements. The colors indicate the following:
    • blue : not Nil elements with a radio button, text fields or +/- buttons to add/remove sub elements
    • grey : the element is Nil with a defined reason

  • The Nil field can be de-/activated by clicking on the orange/grey Nil button. If the Nil field is deactivated (deactivated_nil.PNG), the element related sub elements appears, e.g. a text field to enter the name or title.


  • The Nil reason can be selected by clicking on the orange/grey drop down button.


  • With the plus_minus.PNG button the user is able to add or remove sub elements.

  • For each flow an own tab is visible to define the flow specific information like change or reporting period. Currently, the e-Reproting SOS supports the flows E1a, E1b, and E2a. The screenshot shows only the flow E2a:


  • After you've made the changes press the Save button.

Set up namespace and prefixes for e-Reporting (optional)

The 52°North AQD e-Reporting SOS provides the support to add namespace and prefixes to the identifier of the responses, e.g. to the procedure, featureOfInterest, observedProperty, ... .


  • In the eReporting tab of the settings you can define the namespace and the prefixes for the identifiers All definitions are optional..


  • After you've made the changes press the Save button.

Requesting the e-Reporting SOS.

In regard to the future and to support a standard SOS next to the AQD e-Reporting support, own service and version parameters are used for querying AQD e-Reporting requests. These parameters are should be set in the OGC SOS 2.0 request instead of service=SOS and version =2.0.0:
  • service = AQD
  • version = 1.0.0

Supported operations

Currently, the AQD e-Reporting extension supports the OGC SOS 2.0 operations:
  • GetCapabilities
  • GetObservation

During GetCapabilities is used for querying the metadata, the SOS 2.0 GetObservation operations with service=AQD and version=1.0.0 is used for requesting the e-Reporting flows E. Currently, the AQD e-Reporting SOS extension supports the e-Reporting flows E1a, E1b, and E2a. The response format for AQD e-Reporting is optional and by default:
  • responseFormat = (optional)


The supported bindings are:
  • KVP
  • SOAP
  • POX

Selecting the requested flow

As mentioned before the AQD e-Reporting 52N SOS extension supports the e-Reporting flows E1a, E1b, and E2a via the OGC SOS 2.0 GetObservation request definition. The flow definition in the request is optional and should lool like this:
  • KVP
    • Add the parameter: flow=e2a
    • Add this element to the request:
    1	<swes:extension xsi:type="swe:TextPropertyType">
    2	   <swe:Text>
    3	      <swe:identifier>flow</swe:identifier>
    4	      <swe:value>e1a</swe:value>
    5	   </swe:Text>
    6	</swes:extension>

The value content case insensitive and if no flow is defined in the request, the e-Reporting flow E2a is returned as default flow.

Default temporal extend of a GetObservation response and temporal filter

You can define the temporal filter as defined in the OGC SOS 2.0 standard. Without a temporal filter definition in the request, the e-Reporting GetObservation request returns the following time periods for each flow:

flow period example
E1a last year year is 2014, the values for 2013 are returned
E1b last year year is 2014, the values for 2013 are returned
E2a last day today is 2014-09-20, the values for 2014-09-19 are returned

Example requests

The 52N SOS provides some AQD e-Reporting example requests via the client. Select AQD in the service drop-down box to only show the AQD e-Reporting example requests in example request drop-down box.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
SOS_43_ereporting.pngpng SOS_43_ereporting.png manage 298 K 19 Aug 2015 - 13:28 UnknownUser SOS 4.3.x e-Reporting concept database model (png)
SOS_43_ereporting.svgsvg SOS_43_ereporting.svg manage 167 K 19 Aug 2015 - 13:28 UnknownUser SOS 4.3.x series concept database model (svg)
admi_settings_eReporting.pngpng admi_settings_eReporting.png manage 39 K 22 Aug 2014 - 10:34 UnknownUser Location of eReporting setting
deactivated_nil.PNGPNG deactivated_nil.PNG manage 1 K 22 Aug 2014 - 12:37 UnknownUser Deactivate Nil field
eREporting_flow_e2a.PNGPNG eREporting_flow_e2a.PNG manage 63 K 22 Aug 2014 - 11:09 UnknownUser Flow E2a specific Reporting Header information
eReporting_default.PNGPNG eReporting_default.PNG manage 66 K 22 Aug 2014 - 11:08 UnknownUser Default Reporting Header settings
install_db_model.PNGPNG install_db_model.PNG manage 32 K 22 Aug 2014 - 10:38 UnknownUser Installation: Select eReporting database model
nil_field.PNGPNG nil_field.PNG manage 2 K 22 Aug 2014 - 12:22 UnknownUser Nil field
nil_reason_dropdown.pngpng nil_reason_dropdown.png manage 5 K 22 Aug 2014 - 12:23 UnknownUser Nil reason drop down
plus_minus.PNGPNG plus_minus.PNG manage 965 bytes 22 Aug 2014 - 12:24 UnknownUser Plus minus button
Topic revision: r12 - 19 Aug 2015, carstenhollmann
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