You are here: Wiki>SensorWeb Web>Iceland (19 Jun 2015, danielnuest)Edit Attach

52°North Iceland


52°North Iceland is a basic Java framework for OGC web services.

The 52°North Iceland was previously developed in the the 52°North SOS 4.x and was then extracted into an own project to be used in other projects.




The documentation is contained in the sources on GitHib as Markdown files. Advantage: versioned together with the code, close to the code, and text-based. Also suitable because iceland is for developers only.

Will be used in


  • Apache 2.0 License


A first draft for an iceland logo:
The .svg with the draft to modify and create new logos: logo_iceland.svg

Important Note

There is no Spring in Iceland!
Topic revision: r13 - 19 Jun 2015, danielnuest
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