Property | Description |
conf.sos.ds.daofactory | Class name of the data access object factory, including the package name (e.g. org.n52.sos.ds.pgsql.PGSQLDAOFactory). The SOS realizes the data access object pattern and therefore uses a factory for the data access objects. Change this only if you are an advanced user and you are using another data source! (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.ds.connectionstring | The connection string to your database. (e.g. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/SosDB for PostgreSQL) (MANDATORY) |
conf.sos.ds.driver | The database jdbc driver (e.g. for PostgreSQL org.postgresql.Driver) Change this if you use another database system. (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.ds.user | The user name for your access to the database server (MANDATORY). |
conf.sos.ds.password | The password for your access to the database server (MANDATORY). |
conf.sos.ds.initcon | Initial number of connections of the connection pool the SOS uses. It is not recommended to change this. (OPTIONAL) |
conf.sos.ds.maxcon | Maximal number of connections of the connection pool the SOS uses. It is not recommended to change this. (OPTIONAL) |
conf.sos.listeners | Comma separated list of the request listeners which are implemented (without white space!). Change this only if you have implemented further request listeners to support further operations. (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.skeletonfile | Absolute path and name of the skeleton file for the capabilities document. Change this only, if you want to store the file in another directory.(ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.skeletonfilemobile | Absolute path and name of the mobile skeleton file for the capabilities document. Change this only, if you want to store the file in \ another directory. (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.sensordir | The directory where the SensorML documents for each sensor (procedure) are stored. Change this only, if you want to store them in another directory. (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.omEncoder | Implementation of IOMEncoder used to encode observations (has to be reimplemented, if new observation types should be supported)\ (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.gmlEncoder | GMLEncoder implementation (implementation of IGMLEncoder) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.postRequestDecoder | HttpPostRequestDecoder implementation (implementation of IhttpPostRequestDecoder) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.getRequestDecoder | HttpGetRequestDecoder implementation (implementation of IhttpGetRequestDecoder) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.loglevel | The level which determines which log messages will be written into the log file. The standard is INFO. Below is a listing which levels are possible. It is not recommended to change the level. SEVERE (highest value) WARNING INFO CONFIG FINE FINER FINEST \ (lowest value) (OPTIONAL) |
conf.sos.mobileEnabled | Property indicates, whether SOS supports mobile requests ; (default := true) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.characterEncoding | Character encoding for response documents (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.supportsQuality | Property indicates, whether SOS supports quality informations in observations or not; (default := false) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.eastingFirst | Property indicates the order of the coordinates returned by this SOS; (default := true) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.foiEncodedInObservation | Property indicates, whether SOS encodes the complete FOI-instance within an Observation instance or just the FOI id; \ (default := true) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.logdir | The directory where the log file will be stored. (ADVANCED) | | Time of lease for result template in getResult operation (in minutes) (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.result.tokenseperator | Token seperator in result element (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.result.tupleseperator | Tuple seperator in result element (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.result.decimalSeperator | Decimal separator in result element (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.result.nodatavalue | No data value for result string containing the values in common observation and getResult response (ADVANCED) |
conf.sos.serviceversion | The version of this SOS. (DO NOT CHANGE!) |