Description of the file

Property Description
conf.sos.ds.daofactory Class name of the data access object factory, including the package name (e.g. org.n52.sos.ds.pgsql.PGSQLDAOFactory). The SOS realizes the data access object pattern and therefore uses a factory for the data access objects. Change this only if you are an advanced user and you are using another data source! (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.ds.connectionstring The connection string to your database. (e.g. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/SosDB for PostgreSQL) (MANDATORY)
conf.sos.ds.driver The database jdbc driver (e.g. for PostgreSQL org.postgresql.Driver) Change this if you use another database system. (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.ds.user The user name for your access to the database server (MANDATORY).
conf.sos.ds.password The password for your access to the database server (MANDATORY).
conf.sos.ds.initcon Initial number of connections of the connection pool the SOS uses. It is not recommended to change this. (OPTIONAL)
conf.sos.ds.maxcon Maximal number of connections of the connection pool the SOS uses. It is not recommended to change this. (OPTIONAL)
conf.sos.listeners Comma separated list of the request listeners which are implemented (without white space!). Change this only if you have implemented further request listeners to support further operations. (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.skeletonfile Absolute path and name of the skeleton file for the capabilities document. Change this only, if you want to store the file in another directory.(ADVANCED)
conf.sos.skeletonfilemobile Absolute path and name of the mobile skeleton file for the capabilities document. Change this only, if you want to store the file in \ another directory. (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.sensordir The directory where the SensorML documents for each sensor (procedure) are stored. Change this only, if you want to store them in another directory. (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.omEncoder Implementation of IOMEncoder used to encode observations (has to be reimplemented, if new observation types should be supported)\ (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.gmlEncoder GMLEncoder implementation (implementation of IGMLEncoder) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.postRequestDecoder HttpPostRequestDecoder implementation (implementation of IhttpPostRequestDecoder) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.getRequestDecoder HttpGetRequestDecoder implementation (implementation of IhttpGetRequestDecoder) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.loglevel The level which determines which log messages will be written into the log file. The standard is INFO. Below is a listing which levels are possible. It is not recommended to change the level.

SEVERE (highest value)
FINEST \ (lowest value)
conf.sos.mobileEnabled Property indicates, whether SOS supports mobile requests ; (default := true) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.characterEncoding Character encoding for response documents (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.supportsQuality Property indicates, whether SOS supports quality informations in observations or not; (default := false) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.eastingFirst Property indicates the order of the coordinates returned by this SOS; (default := true) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.foiEncodedInObservation Property indicates, whether SOS encodes the complete FOI-instance within an Observation instance or just the FOI id; \ (default := true) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.logdir The directory where the log file will be stored. (ADVANCED) Time of lease for result template in getResult operation (in minutes) (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.result.tokenseperator Token seperator in result element (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.result.tupleseperator Tuple seperator in result element (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.result.decimalSeperator Decimal separator in result element (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.result.nodatavalue No data value for result string containing the values in common observation and getResult response (ADVANCED)
conf.sos.serviceversion The version of this SOS. (DO NOT CHANGE!)
Topic revision: r1 - 07 Jan 2009, JulianKuhlmann
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