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Greenland - Help and Support Page

Main page: Greenland

User Documentation: GreenlandUserDocumentation

Support: Join our in our Forum and Mailing List.

Examples: GreenlandExamples

Contributor Documentation: GreenlandDevelopmentDocumentation

Bug Tracking: If you find a bug, add it to the Geostatitics Bug Tracker (component "Greenland"): Thanks!


How can I add my own datasource?

See [[]].
  1. Click "Add Resource..." on the left
  2. Add the URL to your resource and the Type in the lower left part of the dialog titled "Add New Resource"
  3. Click on the "Add" bottom at the bottom right corner of the "Add New Resource" panel
  4. The resource is added to the "Resources" list.
  5. Explore the resource (click on the button to expand datasources)
  6. Select a layer for visualisation. The details, if any are available, are shown in the right hand side of the "Add Resource" dialog.
  7. Click "Next" in the bottom right corner of the "Add Resource" dialog.
  8. Select whether to add the map to an existing map view or to a new one. If you want to define a new map view you can also choose the projection (server support required!). Then click "Add to Map".

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Topic revision: r9 - 25 Aug 2014, danielnuest
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