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Greenland Visualisation Examples

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Adjacent Maps

Add two components of a temperature distribution served as ncWMS resource to analyze its uncertainty using two map viewports

  1. Click "Add Resource..." on the left
  2. Expand the predefined ncWMS resource
  3. Select the "Color Range" visualization to perfom a simple depiction of a single layer using a color scale
  4. The right panel will show details about the information required to use this visualization. Select "mean" as the layer to use and click the "Auto" button to automatically detect the value range of this layer.
  5. Click "Next" to add this visualization to the map. Some more advanced visualizations would show more parameters after this step.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, but this time select "variance" as layer. This will ad another layer on top of the "mean" visualization.
  7. Close the "Add Resources" window. You should see both visualizations in the same map viewport.
  8. Click the title of one visualization in the legend section and drag it onto the right legend panel to see both layers side by side.
  9. Use the time slider to change the visualized time, it takes a moment to redraw a selected time instance.
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Confidence Interval

Add two components of a temperature distribution served as ncWMS resource to analyze its uncertainty using a special visualization

  1. Click "Add Resource..." on the left.
  2. Expand the predefined ncWMS resource. Make sure to expand, as this is a adapter including WMS-Q metadata.
  3. Select the "Confidence Interval" visualization.
  4. Greenland will automatically choose the two required layers and assigns tranformation functions based on uncertainty keywords. Use the "Auto" function to find value ranges for both layers.
    • If you did not select a WMS-Q resource, you need to set the layer information manually:
      • Select "mean" as Mean Layer layer
      • Select "variance" as Standard Deviation Layer layer, and set "sqrt(x)" as its transformation function.
  5. Click "Next" to show additional parameters. Feel free to change them and click "Add to Map".

  6. Locate and click the settings_icon.PNG "Layer Settings" tool of the just added visualization in the legend section of Greenland.
  7. In the "Result" tab, you may change some rendering properties:
    1. Change the "spacing" settings to 8 to get a more detailed representation of the dataset.
    2. Change the applied scaling from "Continuous" to "Equal Intervals" and set a lower number of intervals (e.g. 5).
    3. Switch to a "Single Hue" color scheme to see how it affects the perception of the visualization.
  8. Use the time slider to change the visualized time, it takes a moment to redraw a selected time instance.

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Vector Data

Show and analyze dummy U-O&M JSON vector data.
  1. Click "Add Resource..." on the left
  2. Expand the predefined data/json/gaussian.json resource
  3. Select the "Mean" visualization and click "Add to Map"
  4. Make sure to select a valid time step for this data source or remove other visualizations if you already performed previous examples in order to see the data.
  5. Click the zoomtolayer_icon.PNG "Zoom to layer" tool in the legend section of the added visualization, the map will zoom to the spatial extent of the data.
  6. Select a point by clicking on it, and then click "Show Details..." in the top toolbar or context menu. This will open a time series window.
  7. Click a point in time to show its PDF
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Show contour lines from a ncWMS layer.
  1. Click "Add Resource..." on the left
  2. Expand the predefined ncWMS resource
  3. Select the "Isolines" visualization
  4. The right panel will show details about the information required to use this visualization. Select "variance" as the layer to use and click the "Auto" button to automatically detect the value range of this layer.
  5. Click "Next" to add this visualization to the map. Some more advanced visualizations would show more parameters after this step.
  6. Close the "Add Resources" window. You should see contour lines filling the left viewport.
  7. Locate and click the settings_icon.PNG "Layer Settings" tool of the added visualization in the legend section of Greenland.
  8. In the Result tab, reduce the number intervals to e.g. 4, and increase the size of the contour lines to render them more noticeable.
  9. Use the time slider to change the visualized time, it takes a moment to redraw a selected time instance.
tip Show in Greenland

WMS Import

Greenland supports regular WMS resources. Add a NASA Earth Observations (NEO) service to Greenland.
  1. Click "Add Resource..." on the left to open the "Add Resources" window.
  2. Locate the "Add Resource" panel at the bottom of this window and provide the required information:
  3. Click "Add" on the bottom right of this panel to create a new resource. Notice that the newly created resource is automatically attached to the "Resources" section above.
  4. Expand the newly created WMS resource in the "Resources" panel. Greenland will automatically fetch its Capabilities document and present all available layers.
  5. Select a WMS layer to visualize, e.g. "Blue Mable: Next Generation...". Notice that a warning may pop up, since the WMS only provides data in geograpic projection which gets reprojected by Greenland automatically.
  6. Click "Add to Map" to add the selected WMS layer to the Greenland map.
tip Show in Greenland

Confidence Intervals


Analysis of 95% confidence interval bounds of normally distributed biotemperature dummy data served as ncWMS(-Q) using the confidence triangles visualization. Two different color schemes are compared using the adjacent maps feature.

How to read the map? The lower left triangle shows the lower bounds of the confidence interval, the upper right the upper bounds. Therefore less contrasting cells (i.e. the upper and lower bounds are of the same color close to green or the color for low values) contain less certain values. Try to play around with the number of intervals - e.g. just two!

Why would you use this visualisation? Because it stops users to look at mean values that are not providing helpful information.

The original ide of this visualisation is by J.W. de Kwaadsteniet; the visualisation has been published by E. Pebesma in his PhD Thesis (see pages 20, 31): Pebesma, E.J., 1996, Mapping Groundwater Quality in the Netherlands. Utrecht University, Utrecht. Netherlands Geographical Studies 199., also found in Pebesma, E.J. and J.W. de Kwaadsteniet, 1997, Mapping Groundwater Quality in the Netherlands. Journal of Hydrology 200, pp. 364-386.

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Visualization of uncertainty within ncWMS(Q) data using color schemes. Error is depicted using five graduations of saturation and intensity as specified in the layer styling options window, showing the actual value as hue.

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Client can generate vector symbols (glyphs) from ncWMS(Q) raster data sources. Example of water surface movement based on u and v components.

Adjacent Maps


Visualization of biotemperature exceedance probability for 20° (left) and biotemperature mean (right) based on an ncWMS instance providing normal distribution parameters mean and variance. Number of adjacent maps is customizable at runtime.

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Powerful analysis capabilities for time series. Clicking on a data point shows a PDF (probability density function) plot.

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If a resource (such as Geoserver) supports reprojection of data, Greenland can show different projections on different adjacent maps including correct bounding reactangles.

tip Show in Greenland



Greenland supports browsing of THREDDS Catalogs (spec) and can then visualize data based on the ncWMS interface (only). Greenland is preconfigured to show a default THREDDS Catalog data source in its Add Resource dialog.


  • Topic created by: DanielNuest
  • Topic created on: 2012-11-15


Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
example1.PNGPNG example1.PNG manage 77 K 16 Nov 2012 - 14:37 UnknownUser  
example2.PNGPNG example2.PNG manage 71 K 16 Nov 2012 - 14:40 UnknownUser  
example2_2.PNGPNG example2_2.PNG manage 54 K 16 Nov 2012 - 14:43 UnknownUser  
projections.PNGPNG projections.PNG manage 332 K 22 Mar 2013 - 09:11 UnknownUser  
thredds.PNGPNG thredds.PNG manage 66 K 22 Mar 2013 - 09:55 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r18 - 25 Aug 2014, danielnuest
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