
[16:10] IvanSuftin-CIDA there we go
[16:23] benjamin_52n hey guys
[16:26] jiwalker hey
[16:36] jiwalker so what are the plans for GSoC?
[16:37] benjamin_52n not sure there will be WPS development this year
[16:37] jiwalker SOS stuff?
[16:37] benjamin_52n yeah, SOS and enviroCar
[16:38] benjamin_52n but Christian is still working on the WPS
[16:38] jiwalker cool
[16:38] benjamin_52n extracting the GeoTools stuff and also refactor some code
[16:40] jiwalker sounds good, we'll keep that in mind if we touch things
[16:40] jiwalker I think we are ramping up development on the geo data portal project soon
[16:42] benjamin_52n great
[16:43] benjamin_52n I'll try to get an extensive status update of Christians work for next weeks meeting
[16:44] benjamin_52n he had some test issues last time I talked to him but I am sure he will fix that this week
[16:46] benjamin_52n after his changes are merged we will finally have a new WPS release
[16:54] IvanSuftin-CIDA So what release date are you shooting for
[16:56] benjamin_52n I think this will happen mid of April
[16:57] IvanSuftin-CIDA Ah thats coming up pretty quick

Topic revision: r1 - 17 Mar 2014, benjaminpross
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