52°North WPS configuration guide

The WPS's configuration is based on the wps_config.xml file. For information on editing this file see WpsConfiguration. This page is about user interface and runtime configuration independent of that file.

General configuration

Service metadata configuration

The configuration of the service meta data (i.e. provider information & contact details) in the GetCapabilities responses can be configured using the XML skeleton of the original GetCapabilities.

The skeleton is located at WPS_WEBAPP_ROOT/config/wpsCapabilitiesSkeleton.xml.

User Accounts

See http://52north.org/communities/geoprocessing/wps/configuration.html

WPS Web Admin Console

  1. Make sure your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) is running.
  2. Open: http://localhost:8080/wps/ in your browser
  3. Click on 52°North WPS Web Admin Console
  4. You could also directly access the Admin Console via: http://localhost:8080/wps/webAdmin/index.jsp
  5. Login with username wps and password wps
  6. The Web Admin Console lets you change the basic configuration of the WPS and upload processes.

In order to avtivate the process follow these steps:
  1. Switch to the Algorithm Repositories tab:
  2. Scroll to the LocalAlgorithmReporitory
  3. Click the plus sign after the last Algorithm of the repository.
  4. Add as key Algorithm and as value the fully qualified name of your process, e.g.; org.n52.wps.demo.AbstractAlgorithmExample
  5. Click the save button.
  6. Click Save and Activate Configuration
  7. Your process should appear in the capabilities.
  8. Execute your process.

WPS GRASS Connector

See the tutorials for Windows and Linux.

WPS ArcGIS Server Connector

See the tutorial TutorialBackendArcGISServerShort.

Logging Configuration

The WPS relies on Logback as a powerful and flexible logging framework.

The logging configuration file logback.xml is saved in the resources directory of the webapp module (/WPS/52n-wps-webapp/src/main/resources/logback.xml), or in the classes directory of the installation (e.g. ..//wtpwebapps/52n-wps-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml). For details about configuration of Logback, please see the Logback documentation.

For debugging and describing your issues on the mailing list it is useful to increase the log output to the DEBUG level. ALERT! This is not suitable for production environments! To raise the logging level open the logback.xml file, change the root level from INFO to DEBUG and also change the level for respective loggers and package names.

The log file (52n-sos-webapp.log) is stored in the default log directory, e.g. for Tomcat /logs/52n-sos-webapp.log.

Development Version settings

A short manual about how to set up WPS as a multi module project in Eclipse using Maven and Git is linked here.

Please look at the Tomcat documentation how to deal with installing and compiling web applications in general. In the end the service has to be accessible through http://localhost:[YOUR_PORT]/wps/WebProcessingService.

As the WPS is organized as a multi module project using Maven, you have to get the source from the SVN and use Maven to compile it. Information about Apache Maven 2 can be found here: maven.apache.org.

The 52°North remote repository is located here.

As you have to set this repository in your settings.xml your configuration could look somehow like this:

                                <name>52n Releases</name>
                                <name>Geotools repository</name>
                                <name>Refractions repository</name>
                                <name>Apache repository</name>

Please note, that there are two repositories for geotools libraries, as the synchronization of these repositories does not seem to work that well. So just refer to both repositories.

Basic commands to compile your sources are mvn compile or mvn install. The resulting war in the ../52n-wps-webapp/target directory can then be dropped into the Tomcat webapp folder or be installed in any other servlet container.

After restarting your Tomcat the logs in the mentioned log file should somehow look like this:

2006-01-23 17:51:35,193 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.WebProcessingService  - WebProcessingService initializing...
        2006-01-23 17:51:35,208 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.WebProcessingService  - Initialization of wps properties successful!
        2006-01-23 17:51:38,521 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.AlgorithmRepository  - Algorithm class registered: org.n52.wps.server.SimpleBufferAlgorithm
        2006-01-23 17:51:38,552 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.AlgorithmRepository  - Algorithms registered!
        2006-01-23 17:51:38,552 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.WebProcessingService  - Algorithms initialized
        2006-01-23 17:51:38,599 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.WebProcessingService  - XML Parsers initialized successfully
        2006-01-23 17:51:38,630 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.WebProcessingService  - XML Generators initialized successfully
        2006-01-23 17:51:38,708 INFO  org.n52.wps.server.WebProcessingService  - !WPS up and running!

Now you should get a http://localhost:[YOUR_WEBAPPS_PORT]/wps/WebProcessingService?Request=GetCapabilities&Service=WPS

If the Tomcat runs under port 8080 you can access a very simple test site on http://localhost:8080/wps.

When you are getting the capabilities, feel free to test the DescribeProcess and the Execute Operation.

To have a look at the capabilities of the WPS instance, just try this: http://geoprocessing.demo.52north.org:8080/wps/WebProcessingService?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WPS

WPS 3.3.1 - New configuration parameters

In version 3.3.1 of the WPS new configuration parameters have been introduced to the server element. You will need to add them to an existing config, otherwise the WPS will not start correctly.

New parameters:

  • protocol - protocol of the WPS webapp, e.g. http or https
  • minPoolSize - minimum number of thread for the ThreadPool handling execute requests
  • minPoolSize - maximum number of thread for the ThreadPool handling execute requests
  • keepAliveSeconds - time idle threads are kept alive within the ThreadPool
  • maxQueuedTasks - maximum number of task (execute requests) that are queued within the ThreadPool

Snippet of the extended server element:

<Server protocol="http" hostname="localhost" hostport="8080"
      includeDataInputsInResponse="false" computationTimeoutMilliSeconds="5"
      cacheCapabilites="false" webappPath="52n-wps-webapp" repoReloadInterval="0" maxPoolSize="20" keepAliveSeconds="1000" maxQueuedTasks="100" minPoolSize="10">

Topic revision: r9 - 12 Dec 2014, benjaminpross
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