Setting up the 52°North WPS from source with Eclipse Java Indigo and Git

Steps 4 - 7 are covered by this video on youtube.

1. Prerequisites

You will need to have:
  • Git installed
  • Eclipse IDE Indigo for Java Developers installed.

2. Install EGit

Start Eclipse. We recommend using an empty workspace.

We will show how to install the plugins via the Software Sites, as the Eclipse Marketplace is not always available. If the Marketplace is available, you can simple type in the name of the plugin and follow the installation process.

Eclipse -> Help -> Install new Software

In the Work with drop box select All Available Sites. Select Collaboration -> Eclipse EGit


Hit Next and follow the rest of the installation process. Restart Eclipse.

3. Install m2e

Eclipse -> Help -> Install new Software

In the Work with drop box select All Available Sites. Select Collaboration -> m2e Maven Integration for Eclipse


Hit Next and follow the rest of the installation process. Restart Eclipse.

4. Clone the WPS Git repository

Open your favorite shell. Navigate to your Git home if it already exists or to a convenient location to create the Git home there.

Execute the following command:
git clone

Note: Cloning the repository allows you to get updates to the source code and contribute patches back. If you are more experienced with Git and want to actively contribute to the WPS development, we encourage you to fork the WPS and clone from the forked repository.

The WPS Git repository will be cloned in a sub-folder WPS.


5. Import the WPS project in Eclipse

File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects


Click on Browse and navigate to the WPS folder that was created during step 4.


Click Ok. Eclipse will scan the folder and list the WPS Maven modules:


Click Finish and the WPS will be imported.

Note: The project files will not be copied into the workspace. You will be working in the WPS folder in Git home. However, if you re-start Eclipse you will have to select the same workspace as in step 1.

6. Connect the project to Git from within Eclipse

The project is now inported but the Git functionalities are not yet available in Eclipse. To enable them, right click on the 52n-wps-parent folder in the Package Explorer:


Team -> Share Project -> Git -> Next:


Check the box Use or create repository in parent folder of project and click Finish.

Now the Git functionalities are enabled in Eclipse, right click again on the 52n-wps-parent folder in the Package Explorer -> Team:


7. Build

In order to build the WPS, right click on the module 52n-wps-parent -> Run As -> Maven install:


I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
buildsuccess.pngpng buildsuccess.png manage 380 K 31 May 2013 - 12:44 UnknownUser  
clone1.pngpng clone1.png manage 219 K 31 May 2013 - 12:44 UnknownUser  
configureEgit1.pngpng configureEgit1.png manage 253 K 31 May 2013 - 12:44 UnknownUser  
egit1.pngpng egit1.png manage 238 K 31 May 2013 - 12:55 UnknownUser  
enableGit1.pngpng enableGit1.png manage 214 K 31 May 2013 - 12:44 UnknownUser  
enableGit2.pngpng enableGit2.png manage 176 K 31 May 2013 - 12:44 UnknownUser  
enableGit3.pngpng enableGit3.png manage 204 K 31 May 2013 - 12:43 UnknownUser  
importexistingmavenprojects1.pngpng importexistingmavenprojects1.png manage 154 K 31 May 2013 - 12:43 UnknownUser  
importexistingmavenprojects2.pngpng importexistingmavenprojects2.png manage 122 K 31 May 2013 - 12:43 UnknownUser  
importexistingmavenprojects3.pngpng importexistingmavenprojects3.png manage 262 K 31 May 2013 - 12:43 UnknownUser  
importexistingmavenprojects4.pngpng importexistingmavenprojects4.png manage 269 K 31 May 2013 - 12:48 UnknownUser  
m2e1.pngpng m2e1.png manage 258 K 31 May 2013 - 12:48 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r6 - 28 Jan 2014, EikeJuerrens
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