You are here: Wiki>Documentation Web>GitFAQ>TransferGitHubRepository (03 Nov 2017, eikejuerrens)Edit Attach

Transfer Repository to GitHub

For a project to become part of the 52°North managed code base, all contributors must have signed a contributors license agreement (CLA), see If this is not the case, please take a look at the CLA guidelines and get in touch with your community leader.

To become truly a 52°North project, we require the "main" repository on GitHub to be part of the 52°North GitHub organisation and forks be made from that repository, not the other way around.

Is the project currently in a SVN? Then please continue with SvnToGitHubMigration.

Is the project on yet published on GitHub? Then proceed with PublishSoftwareOnGitHub.


First, the following prerequisites must be checked:

  • all contributors must have signed a 52°North CLA
  • the license must be properly documented in the project (source code headers, LICENSE and/or NOTICE file)
  • license must be checked with respect to compatibility with used libraries

If this is done, then proceed with the following steps.


HELP Read carefully the GitHub documentation on transferring a repository.

  1. The contributor: The user making the transfer must transfer the ownership of his repository to a member of the 52Nstaff team who will transfer the ownership to the 52N organization.
    1. Get in touch with and request a username for the ownership transfer
    2. Go to the Danger Zone at the bottom of the settings page of the repository to transfer and click on the Transfer button.
    3. Read the warnings and heed them well. Enter the repository name to confirm that you've done this. Enter the name of the new owner (requested beforehand from it support) and click "I understand, transfer this repository"
  2. 52N Admin member: Transfer the repository to the 52N organization.
    1. Perform step 2 and 3 from the previous section and use 52North as new owner.
    2. Check permissions, settings and group access.
Topic revision: r4 - 03 Nov 2017, eikejuerrens
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