Title: Estimating a Non-Stationary Spatial Structure Using Simulated Annealing
Date: 25 July 1999
Authors: Olivier Perrin and Serge Iovleff
Link: http://www.geovista.psu.edu/sites/geocomp99/Gc99/028/gc_028.htm
In the last decade, a useful model for non-stationary random fields has been developed. This consists of reducing the random field of interest to isotropy
via a bijective bi-continuous deformation of the index space. Then the problem consists of estimating this space deformation. We propose to estimate this space deformation using a constrained continuous version of the simulated annealing for a Metropolis dynamic.
IV International Conference on GeoComputation, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, VA, USA, 25-28 July 1999.