SOS Installer and Adminstrator Testbed

Since the administrator and installer are a very important project especially for unexperienced users, we want to thoroughly test it before releasing it to the public. Therefore we created the SOS Installer and Adminstrator Testbed. The testbed consists of four phases or iterations. The first two phases involve specific (hand-picked) people from 52°North. They test the installer and administrator and all feedback will be collected on this page. The found bugs will be fixed after both iterations. The third phase is done by the Sensor Web community by announcement on the mailing list. The fourth phase involves only the SOS code manager, when the code will be merged into the trunk of SOS 4.0 development branch. SOS 3.5 will not be supported anymore - partly to encourage users to switch to the new and better version.


Phase Reviews Finished Status
1 October 17th Completed
2 November 9th Completed
3 November 30th Completed
4 December 21st Planned

Each phase consists of three steps:
  • review by a new user group [1 week in first phase, 2 weeks in second phase, 3 weeks in third phase, two weeks in forth phase]
  • sorting and prioritizing the feedback, bugs, and new features [1-2 days]
  • implementing the most important changes [5-7 days]

Phase 1, 2 and 3

Phase 1, 2 and 3 are completed and all information can be found here: SosInstallAdminTestbedCompletedPhases.

Further development ideas and tasks can be found on the SOS 4.0.0 development page: SensorObservationServiceIV

Phase 4

Installation Instructions



  • Create a new database (e.g. with pgAdmin III) with PostGIS support. Note the database name, username and password.
  • Download the following webapp archive and install it to your Tomcat: TBD
    • Open the Tomcat Manager at http://your.server.url/manager/html and log in.
    • Optional: rename the WAR file to the desired webapp name. The name of the file is used for the first part of the URL of the SOS, e.g. http://your.server.url/<name of the file without extension>, and should not contain spaces.
    • Go the section Deploy - WAR file to deploy, then select the downloaded file as the WAR file to upload. Click on Deploy.
  • Go to the the URL http://your.server.url/<webapp name without extension&gt and follow the instructions on the screen.


  • Update websites: Create page .../communities/sensorweb/sos/install.html and remove the link to the PDF that is currently there. Also remove that pdf from the SVN...
  • Create contributors website, e.g. .../sensorweb/sos/contributors.html and link to that from the SOS start page
    • ifgi
    • Google Summer of Code
    • Names: Stasch, Hollman, StClair, Kmoch, Autermann, ...
  • Update Wiki Page > refocus Wiki on developers and start with a reference to the website page for "normal users".
  • Create Screencast and upload to Youtube [Ann].
  • Announce public testing on mailing list [Simon]
The revised step-by-step instructions are moved to a new SOS Installation Howto page.

Testers: Sensor Web Community, unchecked Albert, unchecked Matthes


  • Topic created by: DanielNuest
  • Topic created on: 2012-09-25
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
52nSOSv350.warwar 52nSOSv350.war manage 32 MB 24 Oct 2012 - 18:14 UnknownUser  
SOS-phase3-v2.warwar SOS-phase3-v2.war manage 35 MB 28 Nov 2012 - 10:58 UnknownUser  
SOS-phase3.warwar SOS-phase3.war manage 35 MB 21 Nov 2012 - 13:22 UnknownUser  
sos.warwar sos.war manage 35 MB 20 Nov 2012 - 16:15 UnknownUser sos.war
Topic revision: r73 - 19 Jan 2024, eikejuerrens
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