ALERT! Reviewing Topic is almost done. Remaining sections to be updated are
  • create parameters explanation sites

Sensor Web Client Installation

Currently there is no pre-built version available. However, having Subversion and Maven installed should be sufficient to fetch and build your own version very quickly.

  1. Fetch sources from GitHub
  2. Configuration
    • Configure SOS instances within src/main/webapp/ds/
    • Copy ${project_root}/ to ${user.home}/ and adjust settings (alternatively, you can configure all properties in the root pom.xml)
  3. Build and Install/Deploy
    • Do a mvn clean install -P env-dev to build the client with your custom settings (If you only changed properties within the root pom.xml it is ok to just run mvn clean install.
      • arrowright You can have arbitrary setting files laying at ${user.home} using the file pattern sensorwebclient-build-. Doing a mvn clean install -P env-dev -Denv= will build the client using the appropriate settings file
      • See BestPracticeDifferentPropertySetsInMaven for detailed information
    • Deploy the sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp-3.x.y.war in your servlet engine (e.g. Apache Tomcat)


The client has more than one single location where to configure the parameters used by the different components, i.e. server, client, SES, SOS, etc. During further developmen we will keep an eye on reducing these different file locations and invest more and more efforts to clean up some (still) splitted config locations.

TIP Where to configure the parameters differ from either configuring an already built web application or if you intend to build on your own via Maven build tool. Configuration locations are explained below for both production and development.

To give you an overview of the config locations and which parameters to edit, just read on.

Configuration file locations

For production mode you can edit the following files:

SOS Client Configuration
Open file ${webapplication_root}/properties/client-properties.xml.

Parameter Description Value/Format
tabs The tabs section leverages the user to enable/disable core UI components of the client. However, this is a relict from older versions. The mechanism to exchange UI components will be replaced in future versions DiagramTab and SesTab
defaultInterval ... ...
defaultOverviewInterval ... ...
toasterFadeout for how long the message box shall show messages before fading away milliseconds
showStationSelectorAtStartup if the station selection window shall be shown when client loads true or false
defaultHydrographStyle Default styles for the line 1=line, 2=area, 3=dots, 4=dashed
defaultSumLineStyle Default styles for the sumline 1=line, 2=area, 3=dots, 4=dashed
defaultPhenomenonMappings style mapping for individual phenomena (syntax: ,,,) default_style: 1=line, 2=area, 3=dots, 4=dashed; line_or_sumline: line=1, sumline=2, e.g. urn:ogc:def:property:OGC::Temperature,3,1,#FF0000
minTimeFrameZoom Minimum zoom in the timeframe in the diagram minutes
mapSrs Spatial reference system for the client's map windows (as EPSG code) EPSG:4326
mapUrl the Web Map Service URL of the map's background layer. Choose OSM to use Open Street Map WMS URL or OSM
wmsLayerName the comma separated WMS' layer names (not used when OSM is the chosen as mapUrl) e.g. layer1,layer2
wmsStyles ... default
wmsFormat image format image/png
wmsIsTransparent if WMS layers shall be transparent true or false
wmsBGColor ... ...
defaultExtent the initial map view (obselete since a selected SOS is auto zoomed) ...
HELP detailed info on parameters configuration will follow

SES Client Configuration
Open file ${webapplication_root}/properties/ HELP detailed info on parameters configuration will follow
Preconfigured SOS Instances
Open file ${webapplication_root}/ds/

Each SOS instance can be configured individually. This not only enables the Sensor Web Client to handle several SOS dialects available. There are also some fine tweaks which allows to better display extent and station retrieval.
Parameter Description Example
itemName Item name of the SOS instance (must be unique) Weather Stations
url Service URL http://localhost:8080/52n-sos-3.5.0/sos/
version SOS Version either 1.0.0 or 2.0.0
waterML Username of the mailing account either true or false
metadataHandler The MetadataHandler supporting the SOS dialect org.n52.server.oxf.util.parser.DefaultMetadataHandler
requestChunk How many stations should be requested from server side (could be useful when maaaany stations are provided) 300
autoZoom If the map should zoom automatically to the SOS when selecting it either true or false
llEasting "Lower left" longitude of the extent where stations shall be requested double
llNorthing "Lower left" latitude of the extent where stations shall be requested double
urEasting "Upper right" longitude of the extent where stations shall be requested double
urNorthing "Upper right" latitude of the extent where stations shall be requested double
defaultZoom Username of the mailing account (Must be within 0-18) 13
HELP detailed info on parameters configuration will follow
Logging Parameters
Open file ${webapplication_root}/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml. HELP detailed info on parameters configuration will follow
Database Parameters
Open file ${webapplication_root}/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml. HELP detailed info on parameters configuration will follow
Facade Compression
Open file ${webapplication_root}/WEB-INF/classes/ Some SOS implementations provide means to generalize observation values (this is not standardized). If you do not configure such an SOS verify that FACADE_COMPRESSION is set to false in the web.xml. If the SOS provides generalization you can configure a generalization method for each observedProperty, like Temperatur=urn:ogc:generalizationMethod:IFGI:douglas-peucker-dynamic-tolerance
Web Application
Open file ${webapplication_root}/WEB-INF/web.xml.

Most parameters in the web.xml are not intended for user configuration. Relevant user configuration parameters has been shifted to other files or have been made unnecessary. Configuring parameters in web.xml is advanced configuration and may mess up your setup. However, configuration of the SES client mail capabilities still remain here and have to be changed directly in the web.xml if the client was downloaded as a pre-built package. If you build the client from Maven please configure mailing from the properties file!

Parameter Description Value
DEV_MODE If application is started in DEV_MODE only a subset of stations are loaded from the SOS to increase startup time during development boolean
FACADE_COMPRESSION Tell SOS instance to generalize values (not standard SOS behavior!) boolean
MAIL_USERNAME Username of the mailing account string
MAIL_PASSWORD Password of the mailing account string
MAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS WEmail address of the sender email
MAIL_SMTP_HOST SMTP host of the email server the account uses to send emails SMTP URL
MAIL_STARTTLS_ENABLE If sending requires TLS security string
MAIL_PORT The port used to send emails int
MAIL_AUTH If authorization is required at the smtp host boolean
MAIL_SSL_ENABLE If SSL shall be used boolean


Currently the SensorWebClient ships two languages: English and German. Both are declared within the SensorWebClient.gwt.xml so that the GWT compiler creates dedicated permutations for each language (with English as fallback language). To determine the right display language the client uses the following search order to find the correct locale:
  1. Query parameter: if URL contains a 'locale' request parameter, e.g.
  2. User Agent: using the locale the browser was setup with to requests URLs
  3. Using fallback: In this case english is the fallback

Custom Localization

to be done



Where can I add my own SOS instance?

There is a ds/ file where you can add and configure custom SOS instances. Note that the instance parameter has to be unique.

The Web Frontend does not start when application is installed behind a Proxy/Reverse Proxy. What is wrong here?

Actually, Proxy handling seems to be a GWT problem. There is no appropriate forwarding of incoming requests to the correct web application context. You can solve this issue by configure Proxy/Reverse Proxy Forwarding in Apache Web Server like this

<VirtualHost *:80>
     ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
     ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
     RewriteEngine on
     Options +FollowSymlinks
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(swe_client/)(.*)
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$

However, this solution has limits as it does not allow you to have external links without a subpath, i.e. using just is currently not possible. If you may find a solution to that, please let use know under (

Topic revision: r7 - 25 May 2018, simonjirka
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