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Sensor Web Client Development

For Development you do not need to build the whole project every time you made some changes. This would need too much time, as the GWT compiler compiles and optimizes the whole client code for each language and browser configured in the client's gwt.xml module description file. As a developer, you should rather import the project into your favourite IDE. I prefer using eclipse WTP, therefore most of the documentation refers to that kind of IDE. There is also a nice plugin for GWT which enables you to start, stop and debug your GWT application from eclipse.

Quick Access Points

Development Setup

warning Google has decided to drop further developments on Browser plugins needed to connect to GWT applications in hosted mode. This means that GWT's DevMode won't work with modern Browsers. You have two options now:
  • Either use an older Browser like FF 24 (there are portable versions which can be run in parallel to normal installations)
  • Become acquainted with the DevMode's successor: SuperDevMode

Tools for development

  • Install Sun/Oracle JDK since 1.6.x (or above).
  • Apache Maven: A project management and build tool for Java.
  • An IDE with GWT plugin
    • Netbeans with gwt4nb plugin (only tested with SuperDevMode)
    • eclipse WTP IDE: We are using the eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) version here, as we want to use dynamic server content generation (via JSP). This is better possible when starting the GWT application's server component from an external server. Unfortunately, the (presumably customized) Jetty server embedded in the GWT libraries is not configured for hosting static web content (like the metadata explorer). Alternatively you can install an external servlet container (e.g. Apache Tomcat) to publish web content to and access it from that location.
  • Apache Tomcat: The servlet container which we want to use as runtime environment. For development it is best to download the ZIP version. It can be managed directly from eclipse
  • Google GWT Plugin: A plugin which lets you start, stop and debug your GWT application from eclipse.
  • A PostgreSQL database: If you want to use the Sensor Web Client's event notification management tool you will need a DBMS
  • Git as version control: Since Sensor Web Client version 3.2.0 we use Git as version control. You have to install Git itself for checkout, or (alternatively) you can install the egit eclipse plugin.

GWT SuperDevMode


GWT DevMode

The DevMode configuration explains how to debug under Eclipse, so download that IDE and install the google plugin which does the bridging between the Browser and Java code during development:

Install and configure the components (unzip Tomcat, install PostgreSQL and create database sensorwebclient with appropriate user). After unzipping eclipse WTP you should edit the eclipse.ini file and increase the memory set by the --launcher.XXMaxPermSize property (dependend to the RAM available).

As said the DevMode became deprecated and can be used for older Browsers only, e.g. until FF version 24.

Get ready ...

  • Get the code from
  • Import the project into eclipse (if you did not use egit)
  • Configure your Servlet Container within eclipse WTP (e.g. for the Apache Tomcat).
  • Install the GWT plugin via the eclipse Help right Install New Software... wizard. I recommend to only install the plugin from the selection list, as downloading the whole GWT distribution often leads to annoying timeouts (at least this is my experience).
  • Configure the Sensor Web Client to run/debug it as Web Project under eclipse:
    1. In Eclipse, open your sensorwebclient-webapp 's properties (Alt+Enter or right-click, Properties)
    2. Under Google right Web Toolkit select the version of the GWT SDK you're using (should be picked from Maven configuration automatically). We do not need the App Engine as we are using a local Servlet Container
    3. Under Google right Web Application, check the This project has a WAR directory box and point to src/main/webapp. Uncheck the Launch and deploy from this directory box.
    4. Check under Java Build Path if the build output points to target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/classes

Configure WTP server launcher

As mentioned above it is necessary to run the Sensor Web Client's server component via an external Servlet Container. Now we are using an Apache Tomcat to show how to set it up.
  1. Convert sensorwebclient-webapp module to be of Faceted form (right-click, Configure right Convert to Faceted Form...)
  2. Select Java and Dynamic Web Module (version 2.5). To align WTP's web project structure to match the available Maven structure, click on Further configuration available...
    • Change the source folder to src/main/java and set the Default output folder to target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/classes
    • In the next step, leave the Context root to sensorwebclient-webapp and change WebContent to target/sensorwebclient-webapp/
      java-webmodule.png java-webmodule2.png
  3. Within the sensorwebapp-webapp properties select the Deployment Assembly section and add the Maven dependencies as Java Build Path Entry deployment-assembly.png
  4. Make sure you have configured the server instance before adding the first module (this lets you the opportunity to edit the Server paths within the Server Locations sections. Check the Publish module contexts to separate XML files
  5. After configuring the web application you have to add the sensorwebclient-webapp as server module (right-click on the server, Add and Remove ... add-webmodule.png

Configure GWT Web UI launcher

  1. Right-click the sensorwebclient-webapp module and select Run as ... right Web Application ...
    • Set the item which shall be opened to Client.jsp
  2. If the application won't start directly, check the Client.jsp configuration under Run right Run Configurations...
    • Check, if Main right Main class: is set to
    • Remove all folders from Classpath and select all sensorwebclient-* projects instead classpath.png
    • Check, if Arguments right Program arguments: are set to contain
      -remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl Client.jsp -logLevel INFO -port 8888 -war D:\data\coding\SensorWebClient\sensorwebclient-webapp\target\sensorwebclient-webapp -codeServerPort 9997 org.n52.SensorWebClient
    • Ensure that you select the sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/ folder when launching.

Start the Web Application

  1. Start the server component to debug and use static Web content (e.g. client explorer)
  2. Launch the GWT Web launcher (Client.jsp run configuration) and wait for the develoment URL (open Development Mode view if necessary) to become available.
  3. Start the Sensor Web Client UI by double click on it. You favorite browser will open and ask you to install the Google GWT Plugin (needed for debugging)
  4. The GWT plugin will compile Javascript on the fly during the startup (may take a while on the first start). Thanks to the GWT browser plugin, you will be able to debug the application via eclipse Java debugger.

Configuration file locations

It is recommended to separate configuration for different environments, for example in production modus you will have more secure passwords than in development. To keep configuration separate copy the to user's home directory: e.g. on Linux to ~/, or on windows to %HOMEPATH%/ Then you can build the project via mvn clean install -P env-dev -Denv=myContext.

The following locations hold configuration properties.

General Configuration

Application Logging (server side)
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/resources/logback.xml
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml
Preconfigured SOS Instances
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/webapp/ds/
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/ds/
Web application's web.xml
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
General properties
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/webapp/properties/client-properties.xml
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/properties/client-properties.xml
Facade Compression (not supported by all SOS instances)
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/resources/
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/

Event Notification

Event notification Management
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/webapp/properties/
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/properties/
SOS arrowright SES Feeding Configuration
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/resources/
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/
Database Configuration
  • Before building: sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml
  • After building: sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml

Note: You can enable the SES notification management by
  • uncomment the SesTab tag in sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/webapp/properties/client-properties.xml
  • uncomment the event notification Servlets in the sensorwebclient-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml (at the bottom: SESInitializationServlet, SensorTimerTaskServlet, SesRuleService, SesSensorService, SesUserService).

Note: The event notification tools need further Web application on the architecture stack:


To evaluate



Firefox DevMode plugin

Since FireFox 27+ it seems that there is no DevMode plugin anymore. This is related to some major changes within the libxul JavaScript library. As the DevMode Chrome browser plugin also has some problems (especially when using SmartGWT) we would recommend alternate options for developing and debugging GWT code. Either use GWT's super dev mode (maps Java code on compiled JavaScript code and has to proof during development), or just use a different browser, e.g. downgrade FireFox browser to version 24 or use Safari or Internet Explorer.

Development Mode complains that I use Chrome ... why?

In development mode Chrome is not supported by SmartGWT! You have to use another browser (I recommend Mozilla's Firefox).

I want to use tag libraries and JSPs. How can I make this possible?

Unfortunately, the (presumably customized) Jetty server embedded in the GWT libraries does not align seemlessly with the jsp-api and its implementations (e.g. jstl) which are used in servlet containers like Apache Tomcat.

If you want to do so you have to publish all Web resources to an external servlet container (like we do for static Web content). However, to debug the GWT UI you have rely on embedded Jetty server and the eclipse plugin. So here's how to start the UI in debug mode by using the external server resources.

  • Install a servlet container and configure the IDE to publish the server resources to it.
  • Configure GWT Web UI launcher
    1. Right-click the sensorwebclient-webapp module and select Run as ... right Web Application (running on an external server) ...
      • Set the external server root to http://localhost:8080/sensorwebclient-webapp/ (if this port is not available, you can change the port by double clicking the server instance in the WTP server view)
      • Set the item which shall be opened to Client.jsp
      • The final URL shall look like this: http://localhost:8080/sensorwebclient-webapp/Client.jsp
    2. If the application won't start directly, check the Client.jsp-external configuration under Run right Run Configurations...
      • Check, if Main right Main class: is set to
      • Remove all folders from Classpath and select all sensorwebclient-* projects instead classpath.png
      • Check, if Arguments=right=Program arguments: are set to contain
        -remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl http://localhost:8080/sensorwebclient-webapp/Client.jsp 
        -logLevel INFO -noserver -codeServerPort 9997 org.n52.SensorWebClient
      • Ensure that you select the sensorwebclient-webapp/target/sensorwebclient-webapp/ folder when launching.
    3. Before you can start you have to compile the UI with the GWT compiler once (see the GWT instructions)
  • Start the Web Application
    1. Start the server component (see above section) which is managed now via the tomcat server
    2. Launch the GWT Web launcher (Client.jsp-external run configuration) and wait for the develoment URL (open Development Mode view if necessary) to become available.
    3. Start the Sensor Web Client UI by double click on it. You favorite browser will open and ask you to install the Google GWT Plugin (needed for debugging)
    4. The GWT plugin will compile Javascript on the fly during the startup (may take a while on the first start). Thanks to the GWT browser plugin, you will be able to debug the application via eclipse Java debugger.

Why does Eclipse IDE complains about an Unresolved compilation problem?

In some cases the Eclipse IDE messes up the ordering of the XML APIs of 3rd party libraries and the JRE System library during runtime. The resulting exception looks like
SEVERE: Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call Service method 'public abstract org.n52.shared.responses.SesClientResponse org.n52.client.service.SesRuleService.subscribe(org.n52.shared.session.SessionInfo,java.lang.String,java.lang.
String,java.lang.String) throws java.lang.Exception' threw an unexpected exception: java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
        The method getTextContent() is undefined for the type Node
        The method setTextContent(String) is undefined for the type Node

To fix this you have to re-order the build path entries in the sensorwebclient-ses-server module. Open the properties window and switch to Build Path -> Order and Export and ensure that the JRE System Librabry comes before the Maven dependencies.

Is it possible to use other Java JDK implementations like OpenJDK?

Well, we experienced problems when using for example OpenJDK (see next question). Other implementations may work, but are untested.

During export I get an ‘Interface was expected’ for JPEGImageEncoder exception. What's the cause?

Probably you are using a different Java implementation than Sun's/Oracle's JDK, for example OpenJDK. The Sensor Web Client (currently) makes use of JPEGImageEncoder class which is not part of the core Java API. The docs mention the following: "Note that the classes in the com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package are not part of the core Java APIs. They are a part of Sun's JDK and JRE distributions. Although other licensees may choose to distribute these classes, developers cannot depend on their availability in non-Sun implementations. We expect that equivalent functionality will eventually be available in a core API or standard extension".

This error is a known issue and is also described in more detail.

I get an annoying "GWT module 'client' may need to be recompiled" when running client in Tomcat (non-hosted mode). What is the problem?

Try to delete the *.nocache.js from your src/main/webapp/client folder before compile.

I get an IncompatibleRemoteServiceException with message "invalid type signature for [class type]" Exception. What's wrong here?

Most probably you changed class types which are used on the RPC service interfaces. Just delete the *.gwt.rpc files within target/sensorwebclient-webapp/client and restart the client to let GWT recompile the RPC service interfaces. More details here:


I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
add-webmodule.pngpng add-webmodule.png manage 97 K 19 Apr 2013 - 06:18 HenningBredel  
classpath.pngpng classpath.png manage 33 K 16 Apr 2013 - 09:52 HenningBredel  
deployment-assembly.pngpng deployment-assembly.png manage 80 K 11 Jul 2013 - 10:06 HenningBredel  
java-webmodule.pngpng java-webmodule.png manage 116 K 16 Apr 2013 - 09:52 HenningBredel  
java-webmodule2.pngpng java-webmodule2.png manage 107 K 16 Apr 2013 - 09:59 HenningBredel  
Topic revision: r17 - 30 Jun 2014, henningbredel
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