SPS v1.0.0

The 52°North SPS v1.0.0 supports OGC SPS specification v1.0.0. If you need support for OGC SPS specification v2.0.0 than take a look at 52°North SPS v2.x.


First Release has been released. Check the download section. It implements the OGC SPS specification, version 1.0.0 (07-014r3).

Changes to the last version

  • Version 1.0.1: Smaller Bugfixes
  • Version 1.0.0 released. Check the download section
  • improved install process (GUI based installer available)
  • create test cases for automatic testing (CITE testing was running until 18th Feb. – have a look at the test page)
  • Improved build process. Now you are able to build the SPS as one or three webapplications (modular version), directly as developer version (eclipse WTP) – if you plan to extend the SPS to your concerns – or as distribution version – if you want to distribute the framework with your changes.
  • Providing an example plugin for testing (see CITETestPlugin)
  • DAO implementation for PostgreSQL and eXist
  • More fine-grained DAO interfaces
  • Made WNS support optional: Plugin instances can register themselves at the WNS if required (not currently integrated in the spec, but a change request will be set up)
  • Simplified framework concept: No longer differentiate between adapter and connector, just talk about (and use) plugins


The plugin section had become a separate SpsPlugins page.

Example requests

This sections gives you an idea of some requests to interact with an SPS. For following GET requests we use the SPS URL of our deployed SPS test instance on http://mars.uni-muenster.de:8080/52n-SPS/

Service requests

Get Capabilities Request

Sending a GetCapabilities request the SPS responds its metadata and further description about registered sensors and their gathered phenomena. Sensor specific information can be requested by sending a DescribeTasking request, sending a GetSensorML request or GetSensorDescriptionRequest.

The capabilities of the SPS can be requested either by a POST or a GET request. For a GET request type


A simple GetCapabilities POST request looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetCapabilities xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sps/1.0" service="SPS" />

Plugin requests

To retrieve information specific for each plugin (like taskable parameters or its sensor description) below find some example requests.

Get SensorML


Get SensorDescriptionRequest



  • The SPS distribution pack includes a GUI based installer which builds the SPS and deploys it optionally directly into a running Tomcat. Version 1.0.1 can be checked out from SVN:
          svn co https://svn.52north.org/svn/swe/main/SPS/Services/tags/52N-swe-sps-1.0.1
  • The SPS project has migrated from sourceforge CVS to 52°North SVN and can be browsed at
  • Have a look into the documentation which comes with the SPS distribution or look into the HowTo-Install_SPS.pdf document, to learn more about, how to install the SPS (this, however, maybe out of sync with the one within the distribution pack).
  • In addition to the CITETestPlugin which comes with the SPS distribution, you can download the AXIS camera plugin – also developed by 52°North. It controls a real network AXIS camera with Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) controls). A plugin documentation is available in the distribution pack.
  • If you are interested in developing your own plugin for an SPS, you can refer to the HowTo-Plugins_SPS_draft.pdf which comes also with the SPS distribution. It describes in detail how to develop plugins for the SPS.
  • There is a client for download. Check it out from http://svn.52north.org/svn/swe/main/Clients/SPS/AxisCamera_SPS-Client/trunk/ to task sensor instances of an AXIS camera plugin registered at an SPS.


We appreciate every feedback you can give us. Please contact either Johannes Echterhoff or Henning Bredel.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
EngCRFinLocalCRF.pngpng EngCRFinLocalCRF.png manage 53 K 11 Nov 2008 - 08:27 UnknownUser Shows the gimbals CRS in relationship to the local CRF of the camera
HowTo-Install_SPS.pdfpdf HowTo-Install_SPS.pdf manage 939 K 20 Apr 2010 - 09:37 UnknownUser  
HowTo-Plugins_SPS_draft.pdfpdf HowTo-Plugins_SPS_draft.pdf manage 206 K 26 May 2009 - 07:50 UnknownUser  
MSP_VOD_SPS.pngpng MSP_VOD_SPS.png manage 243 K 11 Nov 2008 - 08:23 UnknownUser screenshot of demonstration video of the MSP2_VOD_SPS plugin workshop
sps_sensor.pngpng sps_sensor.png manage 7 K 11 Nov 2008 - 08:23 UnknownUser Shows exemplarily how the simulation of the CITE sensor works
transEngCRSAsLocalCRFtoGlobalCRF.pngpng transEngCRSAsLocalCRFtoGlobalCRF.png manage 110 K 11 Nov 2008 - 08:24 UnknownUser AxisCamera? related as system to a global reference
Topic revision: r33 - 22 Apr 2015, EikeJuerrens
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