You are here: Wiki>SensorWeb Web>OwsSupervisor (22 Aug 2014, danielnuest)Edit Attach



This is a small web application to monitor OGC Web Service implementations, such as SOS and WPS. It was formely known as "OWS Supervisor", but we realized this is useful beyond the context of OWS.

In the current state, it supports the following features:
  • config file based check configuration
  • scheduling of service checks (repetition at arbitrary interval)
  • a web front end to inspect the latest checks, including both successful and failed results.
  • notification of failed checks via email


The following checks are available.
  • Simple service availability check using a GetCapabilities request. If the service does not respond with a valid document, the check fails.
    • SOS
    • WPS
    • SIR
    • SOR
  • SOS GeotObservation: Checking for the age of the latest time an of an observation in a SOS. If the sampling time is older than the maximum age then the test fails.

Example Server

An example deployment (web interface) is available at CURRENTLY NO LIVE DEMO.

Screen Shot

The following screen shot shows the AngularJS - based web interface of Supervisor.



There are no binary releases, so please check out the source code and build the project with Maven:

git clone
cd Supervisor
mvn clean install

The .war file for deployment is in the directory /target.

Adding a Check

There are two ways of addings checks to a supervisor. First, creating a Java class implementing ICheckerFactory. This factory creates the checks. The class must be made available on the classpath and added to the config parameter CHECK_CLASSES. There must also be a constructor without any parameters.


Second, creating a Java class implementing IServiceChecker with a constructor that accepts only strings. This class must be made available on the class path and can then be created by adding a constructor call to the config parameter CHECKS.

Example: CHECKS=org.n52.owsSupervisor.checks.SirCapabilitiesCheck(http://serviceurl,, 43200000);

In both cases, multiple checks or classes must be seperated by a ;.


Source Code

The source code can be found on GitHub:


Developer documentation can be found in the README file.

Development Backlog

We use GitHub issues for a development backlog and GitHub milestones to organize development sprints. The tasks status is organized in a board at

Developers and Contributions

We use the fork & pull development model.

Developer contact: Daniel Nüst, Eike H. Jürrens, Matthes Rieke

Topic revision: r19 - 22 Aug 2014, danielnuest
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