You are here: Wiki>SensorWeb Web>JavascriptOXF (25 Feb 2014, danielnuest)Edit Attach


Goals and Basic Conditions - ALERT! all open for discussion!

Goal: Develop a lightweight library comparable to the OX-Framework that can be used within Javascript applications to access OGC Web Services, starting with a focus on the Sensor Observation Service. Potential application areas are web apps as well as HTML5 applications on mobile devices (Apache Cordova etc.).

  • This development should be available under Apache 2.0 license and be developed/tested by as many parties as possible.
  • The library should be developed in a GitHub repository.
    • Repo is maintained by 52°North (ideally).
  • The library should depend on as few external dependencies as possible:
    • jQuery?
  • Test driven development and rolling releases ensure high quality of code.
  • Focus on 52°North services, but tests should involve other service implementations.
  • Contribute to or be compatible with OpenLayers 3?
  • Performance: ...


SOS.js or SWE.js

Implement a SOS client library (like the "OpenLayers for Sensor Web Enablement") that does all the hard parsing/encoding stuff that nobody wants to implement more than once but is crucial to get right. This does not involve any UI or graphics capabilities but should be well suited to interface with popular libraries such as flot/JQuery and OpenLayers.

IDEA! Project started:

Base Material

Sensor Web


  • TUD clients for WPS


  • Topic created by: DanielNuest
  • Topic created on: 2013-03-12
Topic revision: r9 - 25 Feb 2014, danielnuest
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