InsertResult & InsertResultTemplate for collections. -- DustinDemuth i.e. clients could send sth. (which would create 4 new observations with the same $DATE$ and $POSITION$). like: <sos:template>/a/Template</sos:template> <sos:resultValues>$DATE$@$POSITION$@$TEMPERATURE$@$HUMIDITY$@$CO$@$NO2$#</sos:resultValues>
How to add data from Multiple sensors with one single connection? -- DustinDemuth
I started an implementation of a cosm to SOS connector based on the cosm messaging protocol (being notified and then inserting to SOS instead of pulling), I'd be happy to collaborate on extending that! I did not consider it then, but maybe doing that using a SES would be a great workflow and demonstrator for us. -- DanielNuest - 2013-02-07