You are here: Wiki>SensorWeb Web>ArcGISServerSOSExtension (23 Mar 2015, matthesrieke)Edit Attach


The Sensor Observation Service (SOS) extension for ArcGIS Server is implemented as a so-called Server Object Extension (SOE). It allows querying of observations, procedures/sensors, as well as features observed by sensors. The interface is compliant with the SOS 2.0 standard from OGC.

Detailed information is available at


The extension needs to have a set of paramters defined in order to create a correct Capabilities document. Configure the following parameters through ArcGIS Server Manager:

  • urlSosExtension = the globally known URL of the extension. This acts as the base URL of the resulting operations in the Capabilities
  • ...


The maximum number of returned measurements can be defined in the parameters of the Service (not the extension). If a query exceeds the defined "Maximum Number of Records Returned by Server" an OWS Exception will be thrown by the service.


Downloads sample SQL Server database ArcGIS-Server-SOS-Extension Version 1.1.0 Release

Topic revision: r4 - 23 Mar 2015, matthesrieke
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