The SOS Interceptor
Function mode of the SOS-interceptors:
- Interceptor for any SOS requests
- Decides whether the operation (in general) is allowed for a user or not
- Resource: /allowedOperations/NameOfAllowedOperation
- Action: /operations/* (Interceptor should be called for every request)
- If the operation is not allowed an EnforcementServiceException is thrown "Operation is not permitted!"
- Interceptor for SOS GetCapabilities request
- Filters unauthorized content from the capabilities (offerings, procedures, observed properties, fois, time restriction, bounding box restriction)
- Resources:
- /offerings/AllowedOffering
- /procedures/AllowedProcedure
- /observedProperties/AllowedObservedProperty
- /featureOfInterests/AllowedFOI
- Action: /operations/GetCapabilities
- For time restriction an obligation can be added which defines the time period in which an offering can be requested for observations (example beneath)
- Parameters: beginTime, endTime (e.g. 2009-08-30T07:00:00+02:00)
- For bounding box restriction an obligation can be added which defines the bounding box in which an offering can be requested for observations (example beneath)
- Parameters: srs (e.g. urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326); lowerCorner, upperCorner (e.g. 6.24560488374974 50.3587094784933)
- If the user has no rights for to request any offering, an InterceptorException is thrown "You are not allowed to access at least one offering!"
- Interceptor for SOS GetFeatureOfInterest requests
- Requests the rights for every requested feature
- Only if the user has the permission, the feature is added to the service request
- If a spatial obligation (bounding box) exists, it will be applied to the request, so that the "GetFeatureOfInterestId"-tag is replaced with a "location"-tag involving the envelope defined in the obligation
- Resource: /featureOfInterests/AllowedFOI
- Action: /operations/GetFeatureOfInterest
- If the user has no rights for the requested Feature an EnforcementServiceException is thrown "Feature of interest(s) denied!"
- Interceptor for SOS DescribeSensor requests
- Requests the rights the for requested sensor
- Resource: /procedures/AllowedProcedure(Sensor)
- Action: /operations/DescribeSensor
- If the user has no rights for the requested Sensor an EnforcementServiceException is thrown "Sensor denied!"
- Interceptor for SOS GetObservation requests
- Requests the rights for all parameters (offerings, eventTime, procedure, opservedProperty, featureOfInterest)
- 5 Steps:
- Checks if offering is allowed, else EnforcementServiceException is thrown "Offering denied!"
- Checks/restricts procedures, else EnforcementServiceException is thrown "Procedure(s) denied!"
- Checks/restricts fois and applies spatial obligation (if necessary). If all requested features were denied an EnforcementServiceException is thrown "Feature(s) of interest denied!"
- Checks/restricts observed properties. If all requested properties were denied an EnforcementServiceException is thrown "All requested observed properties denied!"
- Checks/restricts event time if a temporal obligation exists. Several cases have to be considered:
- (request-begin-time before obligation-begin-time) && (request-end-time before obligation-end-time): returned time series goes from obligation-begin-time till request-end-time
- (request-begin-time after obligation-begin-time) && (request-end-time before obligation-end-time): returned time series is as requested
- (request-begin-time after obligation-begin-time) && (request-end-time after obligation-end-time): returned time series goes from request-begin-time till obligation-end-time
- (request-begin-time before obligation-begin-time) && (request-end-time after obligation-end-time): returned time series goes from obligation-begin-time till obligation-end-time
- In all other cases, no data is returned
- Resources:
- /offerings/AllowedOffering
- /procedures/AllowedProcedure
- /observedProperties/AllowedObservedProperty
- /featureOfInterests/AllowedFOI
- Action: /operations/GetObservation
Example Permissions
<Permission name="alice_all">
<Resource value="/offerings/*" /> <!-- Any offerings -->
<Resource value="/procedures/*" /> <!-- Any procedures -->
<Resource value="/observedProperties/*" /> <!-- Any observed properties -->
<Resource value="/featureOfInterests/*" /> <!-- Any features of interest -->
<Resource value="/allowedOperations/*" /> <!-- Any operations allowed -->
<Action value="/operations/*" /> <!-- Any operations -->
<Subject value="alice" />
<Permission name="bob_rheinpegel_waterlevel_emmer_wesel">
<Resource value="/offerings/Rheinpegel"/>
<Resource value="/procedures/urn:ogc:object:sensor:BFG:bfg-sensor-emmer"/>
<Resource value="/procedures/urn:ogc:object:sensor:BFG:bfg-sensor-wesel"/>
<Resource value="/observedProperties/urn:ogc:def:phenomenon:OGC:1.0.30:waterlevel"/>
<Resource value="/featureOfInterests/foi_emmer"/>
<Resource value="/featureOfInterests/foi_wesel"/>
<Resource value="/allowedOperations/*"/>
<Action value="/operations/GetCapabilities"/>
<Action value="/operations/DescribeSensor"/>
<Action value="/operations/GetFeatureOfInterest"/>
<Action value="/operations/GetObservation"/>
<Subject value="bob"/>
<Permission name="guest_rheinpegel_waterlevel_emmer_wesel_obliged">
<Resource value="/offerings/Rheinpegel"/>
<Resource value="/procedures/urn:ogc:object:sensor:BFG:bfg-sensor-emmer"/>
<Resource value="/procedures/urn:ogc:object:sensor:BFG:bfg-sensor-wesel"/>
<Resource value="/observedProperties/urn:ogc:def:phenomenon:OGC:1.0.30:waterlevel"/>
<Resource value="/featureOfInterests/foi_emmer"/>
<Resource value="/featureOfInterests/foi_wesel"/>
<Resource value="/allowedOperations/*"/>
<Action value="/operations/GetCapabilities"/>
<Action value="/operations/DescribeSensor"/>
<Action value="/operations/GetFeatureOfInterest"/>
<Action value="/operations/GetObservation"/>
<Subject value="guest"/>
<Obligation name="obligation:sos:extent:boundingbox">
<Attribute name="srs">urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326</Attribute>
<Attribute name="lowerCorner">6.24560488374974 50.3587094784933</Attribute>
<Attribute name="upperCorner">7.60722652854772 51.8292137232477</Attribute>
<Obligation name="obligation:sos:time">
<Attribute name="beginTime">2009-08-30T07:00:00+02:00</Attribute>
<Attribute name="endTime">2009-09-13T19:00:00+02:00</Attribute>