Security &
GeoRM Regular Contributor's Meeting
September 9, 2009, 10:00 am CEST
1. WPS Interceptor
Martin updated the small documentation about the Web Processing Service interceptor
He finished a first prototype of the interceptor that filters the process identifiers from the WPS capabilities response, according to the user's permission. The code will be committed by the end of this week.
2. SOS Interceptor / SWE Thin Client
The Sensor Observation Service interceptor is currently tested with a patched version of the new Thin SWE Client. The patch enables the Thin SWE Client to load SOS that are protected by means of HTTP Basic Authentication (in our case provided by the WSS). When adding a new service the user can enter username and password to authenticate herself and receive SOS offerings according to her policies. There still is a minor problem with the
GetObservation request that will be fixed in the next few days. Many, many thanks to Felix Bache from the SWE Community for his support! The patch will be pulished as soon as testing was successful.
Thorsten will also set up a small document describing the SOS Interceptor capabilites during the next weeks.
3. Miscellaneous