WPS-T Apache ODE BPEL Implementation
This page is intended to document the implementation of the Apache ODE BPEL Implementation
The current version (as of 22-12-09 rev. 1076 in svn (wps-lcr branch) is working with the supplied deploy testmethod.
- running ODE-1.3.3 on Ubuntu 9.04 and Tomcat-6.0.18
- Invoke is not yet implemented
- ContainsProcess does not seem to work because of versioning in ODE
- I seem to have random problems with http TimeOuts to the ODE server when connecting from wps-t => needs investigation
- several paths are hardcoded to create temporary files => need to be consolidated to the tempfolder of tomcat
Because ODE supports versioned processes, the check to see if a process is already deployed is questionable.
How do you detect whether you want to change a process.
ODE has a compiler that checks the deploy.xml, *.bpel and *.wsdl files. We could implement that check client side before submitting the bpel process to the server.