Simple WPS Client API Tutorial


The following tutorial works with an 52°North WPS installation (> 3.3.0). It is based on the built-in Java "echo" process and uses the following files:

The tutorial is suitable to test if the WPS installation works correctly and to run a very basic Java-based client.

Execute Echo with prepared Request

You can run the the process and test your WPS installation by selecting one of the following example requests in the simple test client (select from the dropdown) or by copy and pasting the latest version of the execute documents from the repository (

  • EchoProcess_raw-complex.xml - complex input for the echo proces (XML snippet) and the output document is returned directly.
  • EchoProcess_reference-complex.xml - complex input for the echo process (XML snippet) and the response/echo is returned via a reference in a ResponseDocument
  • EchoProcess_response-both.xml - both complex and literal input to the echo process, both of which are returned "in-line", that is within the ResponseDocument

WPS Java Client API

Let's look at the Java code (almost) line by line:

Basic parameters

The following basic parameters are manually set to a standard deployment: process identifier and service endpoint.

public class EchoProcessExample {

    private String url = "http://localhost:8080/wps/WebProcessingService";

    private String processID = "org.n52.wps.server.algorithm.test.EchoProcess";

A random variable is used to make sure the echo process is not cheating

private Random rand = new Random();

Main method

In the main method, we create a new instance of this class and call the run()-method - this is much nicer than making all methods static. We also catch exceptions and print them out, since this is a demo only. In real applications, please use a logging framework!

public static void main(String[] args) {
        EchoProcessExample example = new EchoProcessExample();
        try {
        catch (IOException e) {
        catch (WPSClientException e) {
        catch (TransformerException e) {

Connect, explore, and execute

The main method of the client. First we create a new session, then we explore the process description and eventually we create a request and take a look at the response.

private void run() throws IOException, WPSClientException, TransformerException {
        System.out.println("EchoProcess Example");

        // connect session
        WPSClientSession wpsClient = WPSClientSession.getInstance();
        boolean connected = wpsClient.connect(url);
        if ( !connected) {
            System.out.println("Could not connect to WPS.");

        // take a look at the process description
        ProcessDescriptionType processDescription = wpsClient.getProcessDescription(url, processID);
        System.out.println("Echo process description:\n" + processDescription.xmlText() + "\n");

        // create the request, add literal input
        ExecuteRequestBuilder executeBuilder = new ExecuteRequestBuilder(processDescription);
        String input = "Hello lucky number " + rand.nextInt(42) + "!";
        String parameterIn = "literalInput";
        executeBuilder.addLiteralData(parameterIn, input);
        String parameterOut = "literalOutput";
        executeBuilder.setResponseDocument(parameterOut, null, null, null);

        if ( !executeBuilder.isExecuteValid())
            System.out.println("Created execute request is NOT valid.");

        // build and send the request document
        ExecuteDocument executeRequest = executeBuilder.getExecute();
        System.out.println("Sending execute request:\n" + executeRequest.xmlText() + "\n");
        Object response = wpsClient.execute(url, executeRequest);
        System.out.println("Got response:\n" + response.toString() + "\n");

        // compare input and output
        if (response instanceof ExecuteResponseDocument) {
            ExecuteResponseDocument responseDoc = (ExecuteResponseDocument) response;
            XObject data = XPathAPI.eval(responseDoc.getDomNode(), "//wps:LiteralData");
            String output = data.toString();
            if (output.equals(input))
                System.out.println("Echo received!");

Full Java code

(recommended to download from repository, but can also be copy and pasted from here).

* Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source
* Software GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation.
* If the program is linked with libraries which are licensed under one of
* the following licenses, the combination of the program with the linked
* library is not considered a "derivative work" of the program:
* • Apache License, version 2.0
* • Apache Software License, version 1.0
* • GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3
* • Mozilla Public License, versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0
* • Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), version 1.0
* Therefore the distribution of the program linked with libraries licensed
* under the aforementioned licenses, is permitted by the copyright holders
* if the distribution is compliant with both the GNU General Public
* License version 2 and the aforementioned licenses.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Public License for more details.

import java.util.Random;

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;

import net.opengis.wps.x100.ExecuteDocument;
import net.opengis.wps.x100.ExecuteResponseDocument;
import net.opengis.wps.x100.ProcessDescriptionType;

import org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI;
import org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject;
import org.n52.wps.client.ExecuteRequestBuilder;
import org.n52.wps.client.WPSClientException;
import org.n52.wps.client.WPSClientSession;

public class EchoProcessExample {

    private String url = "http://localhost:8080/wps/WebProcessingService";

    private String processID = "org.n52.wps.server.algorithm.test.EchoProcess";

    private Random rand = new Random();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EchoProcessExample example = new EchoProcessExample();
        try {
        catch (IOException e) {
        catch (WPSClientException e) {
        catch (TransformerException e) {

    private void run() throws IOException, WPSClientException, TransformerException {
        System.out.println("EchoProcess Example");

        // connect session
        WPSClientSession wpsClient = WPSClientSession.getInstance();
        boolean connected = wpsClient.connect(url);
        if ( !connected) {
            System.out.println("Could not connect to WPS.");

        // take a look at the process description
        ProcessDescriptionType processDescription = wpsClient.getProcessDescription(url, processID);
        System.out.println("Echo process description:\n" + processDescription.xmlText() + "\n");

        // create the request, add literal input
        ExecuteRequestBuilder executeBuilder = new ExecuteRequestBuilder(processDescription);
        String input = "Hello lucky number " + rand.nextInt(42) + "!";
        String parameterIn = "literalInput";
        executeBuilder.addLiteralData(parameterIn, input);
        String parameterOut = "literalOutput";
        executeBuilder.setResponseDocument(parameterOut, null, null, null);

        if ( !executeBuilder.isExecuteValid())
            System.out.println("Created execute request is NOT valid.");

        // build and send the request document
        ExecuteDocument executeRequest = executeBuilder.getExecute();
        System.out.println("Sending execute request:\n" + executeRequest.xmlText() + "\n");
        Object response = wpsClient.execute(url, executeRequest);
        System.out.println("Got response:\n" + response.toString() + "\n");

        // compare input and output
        if (response instanceof ExecuteResponseDocument) {
            ExecuteResponseDocument responseDoc = (ExecuteResponseDocument) response;
            XObject data = XPathAPI.eval(responseDoc.getDomNode(), "//wps:LiteralData");
            String output = data.toString();
            if (output.equals(input))
                System.out.println("Echo received!");
Topic revision: r2 - 16 Oct 2014, benjaminpross
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