You are here: Wiki>Geoprocessing Web>ProjectAttic (13 Oct 2014, benjaminpross)Edit Attach


What is the 52°North Geoprocessing Community Attic?

Projects are in the attic not necessarily because they don't work anymore or because they are outdated, but because they are not actively developed anymore by any member of the community. So here is a place where we can put these projects to readily pick them up again once we need them!


TODO ...when archived, by whom, why, what is the status (still working?) ...

Candiate Projects

These could be moved to the attic (please sign!):

Attic Process

A quick suggestion by -- DanielNuest - 2013-07-11 - comments welcome! If we want to do it right we could learn from the best:

Into the Attic

  • When does a project belong into the attic?
  • Moving a project to the attic
    • Email to the mailing list asking if someone wants to maintain the project with a clear deadline of three weeks.
    • Export the source code from SCM to a zip file.
    • Create a Wiki page capturing all documentation about the project and describing the latest known state the code is in (attach documents, reference other wiki pages, ...).
    • Attach the source code archive to the wiki page.
    • Delete the source code repository.

Out of the Attic

  • Contact the community lead about your interest in an attic project.
  • Get the code, start a new repository and announce on the mailing list that a project is alive again!
  • Build a community around the code.

Topic revision: r7 - 13 Oct 2014, benjaminpross
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