MovingCode Project Backlog

MC Backlog

GroupSorted ascending Item Priority Costs Contributor/Status
  As a developer I want to be able to provide a test script that is available via a public URL to check the runtime environment in my language of choice. So, if I package a python process I want to link to a file in the package description which can be downloaded by runtime environments to see if they can run my script. The script would return a boolean value and provide additional information in a test output report file (txt) in a fixed location. 3 led-aqua led-aqua led-aqua unchecked
  As a user I want to be able to access a log file which provides provenance information about a process that has been executed: which is the runtime environment that was used (uuid) and the process (uuid) and what files were used or created? 8 led-aqua led-aqua led-aqua unchecked
  As a developer I want to access a public API for process status and progress information so that the runtime environment can query a running process for progress status (e.g. in percent) 6 led-aqua led-aqua unchecked
  As a developer I want to transparently define the temporary directory that is used, especially since both the runtime environmente or the process itself could create such a directory, but potentially not the same and there is also the risk of users not having the access rights to such directories. This should be made transparent, e.g. with an API the mc package and mc runtime can communicate through.   led-aqua unchecked
- As a user I want to access process descriptions as linked data to answer queries such as "show me all processes that support the license model of dataset X that I just found online". 4 led-aqua led-aqua led-aqua unchecked
- As a developer I want to use a probe for Java to do good tests. 2 led-aqua led-aqua unchecked
- As a user I want to do upload mc packages to a WPS based on a drop-in folder. 1 led-aqua led-aqua checked MRI
- As a user I want to upload mc packages in the admin backend. 1 led-aqua unchecked
- As a developer I want modularized code to be able to extend on specific functionality. 5 led-aqua led-aqua led-aqua unchecked
- As a developer I want to provide a packager as a moving code package itself. 6 led-aqua led-aqua unchecked
- As a user I want to run R scripts using moving code packages. 1 led-aqua led-aqua checked DNU, see RCLIProcessor
General As a developer I want the loading of remote feeds (especially the creating of the mc packages) to be threaded so that the server starts up much quicker. 1 led-aqua unchecked


Priorities: 1 = highest priority, n = lower priorities

Costs: "Felt" development costs, relative, no actual estimation neccessary, going from led-aqua = "low" to led-aqualed-aqualed-aqualed-aqua = "very high"

Statuses: unchecked = open task, checked = somebody is working on the task (add name), DONE the task is "done". We have a very loose definition of done: "Contributor did some tests and it worked."

Group: Can be used freely to associate items together, but is optional. It might be useful to group items by affected component, see GeoPortal.

How to use the backlog

  • You can sort items in the backog by clicking on the table headers.
  • If you start working on a backlog item, use the status icon to indictate ongoing work, also add your name here.
  • Backlog items are of hugely varying degrees of detail. This is fine and a strong side of a backlog.
  • When you check out a very coarse item, e.g. "As a user I want to process rasterdata", then please add as many suitable tasks to the backlog as you need and use the grouping field to keep track of that.

How to edit the backlog

Click Edit, change the item you want to change or add an item at the end of the table - the table is automatically sorted by priority!

Good item descriptions are a very short user story, starting with "As a user ...". We do not go for precise use case descriptions here, no pre-conditions and post-conditions, no technical descriptions. If the user requirement is met in the eye of the item comitter or developer, then the task is done (definition of "done" to be developed).


  • Topic created by: DanielNuest
  • Topic created on: 2013-03-20

This topic: Geoprocessing > WebHome > MovingCode > MovingCodeDevelopmentBacklog
Topic revision: 11 Jun 2013, EikeJuerrens
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