WPS 4.0 Git Algorithm Repository


The WPS Git Algorithm Repository is an algorithm repository for the development branch WPS 4.0.0 that lets WPS admins configure a GitHub repository to obtain remote processes.

Binding the repository to the WPS


Configuring the repository

Start the WPS and log in to the admin application (e.g. open the folowing URL: http://localhost:8080/wps/, default credentials: wps, wps). Switch to the "Repositories" view and expand the GitAlgorithmRepository Configuration Module:


(The order of the repositories has been modified.) Enter the URL of a GitHub repository holding Java processes or R scripts in the field "Remote repository URL". (Note that the field "Branch name" is not recognized at the moment.) In the field "Filename REGEX", you can specify a regular expression. The GitAlgorithmRepository will only include files that match this expression. With the default expression .java and .R files are considered. In the field "Local repository directory", you need to specify a path to a directory on the server in which the remote repository will be cloned. Click on the "Inactive" toggle button to activate the GitAlgorithmRepository. The following image depicts a exemplary configuration:


At the moment, The WPS cannot directly obtain new processes after the configuration is changed, a restart is necessary. During the start of the WPS, the repository is cloned (consecutively pulled), the Java processes are compiled and added to the GitAlgorithmRepository. R scripts are loaded within WPS4R (not shown in the following).


The processes now can be executed. If the code in the GitHub repository is changed, the WPS can be restarted and the processes are updated accordingly.

Topic revision: r2 - 13 Jan 2016, benjaminpross
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