Deploy one or more processes packaged in a jar file

Add the jar file to the WPS libraries

Note that you will need to have access to the WPS webapp folder on the file system. Just navigate to the folder %PATH_TO_WPS_WEBAPP%/WEB-INF/lib and drop your jar file in it.

Enable the process in the WPS

If you have added the fully qualified name of you process(es) to the file org.n52.wps.server.IAlgorithm (TBD add link to tutorial), you do not need to do anything. The process(es) should be added automatically to the WPS. To disable the process(es) you will have to disable the ServiceLoaderAlgorithmRepository or remove the jar file from the lib folder of the WPS.

If you do not make use of the ServiceLoaderAlgorithmRepository, you will have to add the new process(es) manually to the WPS configuration:

  1. Make sure your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) is running.
  2. Open: http://localhost:8080/wps/ in your browser
  3. Click on 52°North WPS Web Admin Console
  4. You could also directly access the Admin Console via: http://localhost:8080/wps/webAdmin/index.jsp
  5. Login with username wps and password wps
  6. The Web Admin Console lets you change the basic configuration of the WPS and upload processes.

In order to avtivate the process follow these steps:
  1. Switch to the Algorithm Repositories tab:
  2. Scroll to the LocalAlgorithmReporitory
  3. Click the plus sign after the last Algorithm of the repository.
  4. Add as key Algorithm and as value the fully qualified name of your process, e.g.; org.n52.wps.demo.AbstractAlgorithmExample
  5. Click the save button.
  6. Click Save and Activate Configuration
  7. Your process should appear in the capabilities.
  8. Execute your process.

Topic revision: r1 - 08 Aug 2013, BenjaminPross
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