Deploy a custom process via the admin console

Open the Web Admin Console

In order to deploy the recently developed process, you need to:

  1. Make sure your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) is running.
  2. Open: http://localhost:8080/wps/ in your browser
  3. Click on 52°North WPS Web Admin Console
  4. You could also directly access the Admin Console via: http://localhost:8080/wps/webAdmin/index.jsp
  5. Login with username wps and password wps
  6. The Web Admin Console lets you change the basic configuration of the WPS and upload processes.

Upload the process files

  1. Click on Upload Process as shown below
  2. Enter for the first text box the name of the class you developed, e.g.: org.n52.wps.demo.AbstractAlgorithmExample
  3. Choose your java class file with the filechooser
  4. If your process extends AbstractAlgorithm, you also will have to specify the path to the ProcessDescription file.
  5. Click on Send files.
  6. The source file gets now compiled at server side and will be available as a new process to the WPS. Note that you will need a Java SDK (6 or 7 ) for compiling the code.

Activate the process

In order to avtivate the process follow these steps:
  1. Switch to the Algorithm Repositories tab:
  2. Scroll to the LocalAlgorithmReporitory
  3. Click the plus sign after the last Algorithm of the repository.
  4. Add as key Algorithm and as value the fully qualified name of your process, e.g.; org.n52.wps.demo.AbstractAlgorithmExample
  5. Click the save button.
  6. Click Save and Activate Configuration
  7. Your process should appear in the capabilities.
  8. Execute your process.
Topic revision: r8 - 28 Jan 2014, EikeJuerrens
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