Potential Tasks
(participants in the study project will work on an agreed selection of tasks from this list)
- (A) SDI node administration
- documentation of the architecture/configuration
- set up and manage the GEONETCast data manager (ILWIS GEONETCast toolbox)
- administration of the data server
- set up an manage a metadata server (e.g. from AGS)
- store grids as files, in a RDBMS, or in a ArcGIS data base? How can duplication be avoided? See also this thread: http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2008-November/004653.html
- (B) Provision of Web Services (WMS, WCS) for accessing GEONETCast data
- agree on certain information products tb provided
- organise preprocessing workflows
- set up and configure the GIS Web servers (AGS Image Extension, UMN Mapserver)
- (C) develop new information products based on GEONETCast data (+X)
- agree on certain information products tb provided
- organise processing workflows using desktop GIS (e.g. ÍLWIS, GRASS, 'ArcGISDesktop', ..)
- provide access to the results via OGC web services
- (D) develop web applications as to provide access to the information products via the internet
- agree on functional requirements (e.g. searchin information resources using the metadata server, mapping, user management)
- access our information product as well as external ressources
- develop web applications using webapp frameworks and web GIS tools (e.g. 'OpenLayers', 'MapBender', GPT, QGIS, 'OpenJump'..)
- (E) implement means for managing access to the information products
- agree on a policy for securing information products (authentication, authorization, ..licensing, accounting)
- agree on an implementation concept
- set up and configure security services
- (F) develop a WPS for (pre)processing GEONETCast data
- (G) develop a SWE application as to combine RS and insitu sensor data
- GEONETCast delivers remote sensing data (i.e. satellite images) whereas in-situ sensors measure the phenomenon at the position where they are located (e.g. weather stations)
- select an appropriate set of remote sensing data delivered by GEONETCast
- identify and agree on a set of insitu sensor data that can be used for complement the selected remote sensing data
- agree on a way to combine the two data sources (e.g. validation, interpolation, etc.)
- set up the according web services
- provide an according client
- (H) Misc (all participants)
- Read materials, provided with the bookshelf
- Prepare and present an Inception Report
- Prepare and present the Final Report
- attend at least the following meetings: Kick-Off Meeting, Inception Report Meeting, Final Workshop
Topic revision: r1 - 11 Oct 2009, AlbertRemke