52°North Account
Guidelines for receiving a 52°North contributor account.
Previous to requesting an account
52°North is an
Open Source Initiative.
Without an account you can
After doing this, think about
getting involved.
Request an account
If you still would like to have an account, please send an e-mail to
it-support at 52north dot org
and provide the following information:
- Your Name
- Your e-Mail
- The 52N community, you want to join
- List of resources you need to have access to
- Add the leader of the community in cc (see community contact page for each community)
You will get an account for our
Change Password
To change the password of your account, just point your browser to
/account/change and enter the required information.
Reset Password
To reset your password, please send an e-mail to
with the following information:
We will reset your account and a newly generated password will be mailed to the account's email address.