DEVELOPED | 2003-2004 |
AUTHOR | Luc Anselin Department of Geography University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 220 Davenport Hall, MC-150 607 South Mathews Ave Urbana, IL 61801 anselin(at) - link is broken, will be checked soon |
PLATFORM | Windows |
PURPOSE | Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) tool for lattice data (points and polygons). |
FUNCTIONS | Spatial Data + data input from shape file (point, polygon) + data input from text (to point or polygon shape) + data output to text (data or shape file) + create grid polygon shape file from text input + centroid computation + Thiessen polygons Data Transformation + variable transformation (log, exp, etc.) + queries, dummy variables (regime variables) + variable algebra (addition, multiplication, etc.) + spatial lag variable construction + rate calculation and rate smoothing + data table join Mapping + generic quantile choropleth map + standard deviational map + percentile map + outlier map (box map) + circular cartogram + map movie + conditional maps + smoothed rate map (EB, spatial smoother) + excess rate map (standardized mortality rate, SMR) EDA + histogram + box plot + scatter plot + parallel coordinate plot + three-dimensional scatter plot + conditional plot (histogram, box plot, scatter plot)/font> Spatial Autocorrelation + spatial weights creation (rook, queen, distance, k-nearest) + higher order spatial weights + spatial weights characteristics (connectedness histogram) + Moran scatterplot with inference + bivariate Moran scatterplot with inference + Moran scatterplot for rates (EB standardization) + Local Moran significance map + Local Moran cluster map + bivariate Local Moran + Local Moran for rates (EB standardization) Spatial Regression + OLS with diagnostics (e.g., LM test, Moran's I) + Maximum Likelihood spatial lag model + Maximum Likelihood spatial error model + predicted value map + residual map |
CODES | Not Available |
TIP | Plenty of material on the homepage, user group. |
HOMEPAGE | Home: - link is broken, will be checked soon |