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Quebec-city Canada, July 5-7 2010.

Since 1972, the International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics (ISSH) has been organized on a four year basis and is now considered as a regular and respected event among technical conferences for engineers and scientists working in the rapidly growing field of probabilistic methods in water engineering. As was the case for the nine previous symposia, the tenth ISSH-2010 symposium is expected to be well appreciated as it provides an opportunity to researchers, practitioners, educators and public officials interested in stochastic hydraulics to share their recent findings and techniques, their experiences and needs on hydraulics and engineering problems, both in formal and informal settings. The topics of the symposium are versatile including stochastic analysis, river hydraulics, sediment transport, catchment hydraulics, groundwater, waves and coastal processes, hydraulic networks, hydrology, risk and reliability in hydraulic design and water resources in general.

The International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER) is a series of conferences dealing with hydrology and water resources. ICWRER-2010 is the fifth one of the series and the third one to be jointly organized with another conference. One of the objectives of ICWRER conferences is to bring together physical, biological, chemical, statistical and technical expertise in order to better understand natural systems related to water resources from all around the world. As for the case of the ISSH series, the topics of ICWRER conferences are versatile encompassing GIS and remote sensing, stochastic hydrology, sustainable water management, surface water and groundwater interaction, ecosystem modelling, scaling problems in hydrology and water resources, environmental management, risk analysis and management or climate change.

The main theme of Water2010, the joint ISSH-2010 and ICWRER-2010 Symposium is "Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources in an Uncertain Environment". In the current changing environment, water resources modeling and management are becoming more and more important and challenging. How to deal with the changing frequency and magnitude of droughts and floods or how to ensure access to drinking-quality water are only examples of difficulties that several countries are facing. In this context, the first decade of the century is an angular point for the decades to come in which hydrologists and water resources engineers will play an increasingly important role.

More information is available from the web site.
Topic revision: r1 - 03 Aug 2010, TheresiaFreska
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