Pedometrics 2007
Pedometrics 2007
Dates: 27-30 August 2007
Venue: Tuebingen, Germany
Web: -
link is broken, will be checked soon
The conference covers all major topics of pedometrical research and application. It comprises geostatistics, the research fields of the related working group on digital soil mapping, proximal soil sensing, as well as soil fractals, wavelets and spatial accuracy. We welcome all soil scientists, soil surveyors, soil geographers, environmental scientists and engineers, GIS specialists, geostatisticians, statisticians, and mathematicians to join the conference and exchange their knowledge. A Pre-Conference Workshop on Uncertainty Propagation Analysis will be held by Gerard B.M. Heuvelink and James D. Brown. A Field trip introducing the soilscapes and the famous vineyards of Baden-Wurttemberg follows the conference.