SOS Installer and Adminstrator Testbed - Completed Phases

Testbed main page: SosInstallAdminTestbed

Further developments at the SOS 4.0.0 main development page: SensorObservationServiceIV

Phase 1

Testers: checked Eric, checked Alber, checked Andreas, checked Arne dW, (checked Daniel)


Please follow these steps (feel free to improve these right here or in the enhancements section below):


Please add your system information to the table below and (Information most easily found at http://localhost:8080/manager/status/all) and any ideas to the "Bugs" and "Enhancements" lists. Add your signature for potential requesting of clarifications. And also add your signature to an already existing item if you want to support that point!

User OSSorted ascending Tomcat PostgreSQL PostGIS Java Broswer(s)
Windows 7
Firefox 15
Windows 7

Windows 7
Firefox 16.0.1
Windows Vista Business SP2
Firefox 15.0.1

Prioritized items (former Bugs and Enhancements)

Prioritization happens into three categories:
  1. Important/must
  2. Do if enough resources, otherwise phase 3
  3. Nice to have

Priority 1

  • checked playing arround in administrator Quick Preview --> choosing a GetFeatureOfInteresst_allParams.xml and then trying to move the bottom scroll bar --> activates drag and drop possibility which can't be deactivated anymore (just site-refresh helps) (btw. i used Google Chrome browser) -- ArneDeWall - 2012-10-15
  • checked Test Data were not created, but i dont know why. (I have really checked the check Box! I returned one step back via browser return button, maybe this influenced a saved state!?) -- ArneDeWall - 2012-10-15
  • checked Step 4 offered two back buttons. The upper one seemed to be not invoking any action. EricFiedler 2012-10-16 >> Need a reset button
  • checked The lower back button in step 4 got me to the beginning, not one step back like I would expect. EricFiedler 2012-10-16
  • checked Trying to restart the wizard failed because of the "completed" flag. EricFiedler 2012-10-16
  • checked Wizard recognizes that the database exists, but cannot write into it until you also provide the completely assembled jdbc url. There should be an automatic assembling. EricFiedler 2012-10-16
  • checked After a successful installation the web client can be startet, but it's not able to send a request, because it cannot find the "resource". A reconfiguration in the admin tool is not possible (at least I didn't find anything!?), The admin tool here also cannot send a successful request, but states that a syntax error would be the problem, in fact it was the same request like before! EricFiedler 2012-10-16
  • checked URL im testclient über javascript und nicht über Maven beim build.
  • In my first run, using pgAdmin I created the user "sosadmin"and the DB "thesos" owned by sosAdmin. In page "Database Configuration" I got the message "Couldn't connect with database. Please check the following settings!" -- AlberSanchez - 2012-10-16
  • checked Once I ran the wizzard, I wasn't able to run it again. I didn't get a warning message telling me that it's an invalid option. Besides, this could be an easy useful way for changing configuration parameters -- AlberSanchez - 2012-10-16
  • checked Handle case of a "readonly SOS" > test if datamodel already exists Then (with a message) ask if it should be reset (step 2)
  • checked Have checkboxes for "Insert Testdata" and "Create Schema" and "Overwrite"
  • checked org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FEHLER: Funktion srid(geometry) existiert nicht
    Hint: Keine Funktion stimmt mit dem angegebenen Namen und den Argumenttypen überein. Sie müssen möglicherweise ausdrückliche Typumwandlungen hinzufügen.
    Position: 8
    at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
    at Source)
    2012-10-16 11:13:24,885 ERROR [http-8080-5] org.n52.sos.SosConfigurator: Fatal error: Couldn't initialize capabilities cache!
    • checked > check for used postgistemplate (e.g. by checking if the tables and functions exist) > if not then point to the OS specific guidelines.
  • checked Submit the complete config on "Finish"
  • checked Improve filtering on "/install"
  • checked Better differentiation between prev/next of optional settings and prev/next of overall steps -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-10-10
  • checked No default values on the login page -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-10-10
  • checked After completion the installer should not say forbidden but give a 404 error. -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-10-10
  • checked Possibilty of reinstall without undeploying -- ArneDeWall - 2012-10-15
    • checked > "reset button": drop the settings table and delete dssos.conf > redirect to the installer again.

Priority 2

  • checked Overhaul page 2, remove page 3. Put all "subpages" from page 4 on just one page.
  • checked Add Home button to administrator.
  • checked Auswahlboxen unter Miscellaneous Settings wären gut.
  • checked Default values for database configuration in defaults.json file to be read in javascript. Delete all
  • checked Make landing page that uses the redirect parameter to display success messages, but also tells the user to install first. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-10
  • checked Style message boxes as described here:
  • checked Checkboxes for true/false settings -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-10-10
  • checked Radio buttons for choice settings -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-10-10
  • checked Validation of optional settings -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-10-10
  • checked Add some example queries to the database section in the admin backend (sensor with id X, last 10 observation for observed proerty y) -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-10
  • checked Possibilty to return to the Administrator Welcome Page (after choosing Settings or Database). -- ArneDeWall - 2012-10-15
  • checked Possibilty of changing admin's password from settings page -- AlberSanchez - 2012-10-16

Priority 3

  • checked Use <h1> tags instead of <p>-- DanielNuest - 2012-09-26
  • checked Switch to database for settings storage. -- DanielNuest - 2012-09-26
  • checked Externalize styling from the jsps. -- DanielNuest - 2012-09-26
  • checked Property dump in admin interface: allow users to download the current configuration as a simple text file, which then can be re-used in the installer or also uploaded again in the admin interface, overriding all existing values. -- DanielNuest - 2012-09-25
  • checked Comma seperated list for keywords, add help text so that users knows this is possible -- DanielNuest - 2012-09-26
  • Admin Password
    • checked Make admin password changeable in admin interface. -- DanielNuest - 2012-09-26
    • checked Specifying the admin/username in the installer -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-10-10 * unchecked Store password in database.
  • checked After clicking "Save" in the settings page the currently open tab should stay open (use AJAX?!) -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-10
  • checked Integrate a clone of the test client to the admin interface, but with an extra text area for the response. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-10

Phase 2

Testers: checked Dustin, checked Holger, checked Eike, (checked Daniel, checked Christian)


Please follow these steps (feel free to improve these right here or in the enhancements section below):


Please add your signature for potential requesting of clarifications, and also add your signature to an already existing item.
User OS Tomcat PostgreSQL PostGIS Java Broswer(s)
Windows 7
Firefox 15
7.u9_2.3.3-1 (openjdk / openjre)
FF 15.0.1
Windows 7 64 Bit
9.1 (x86)
2.0.1 r9979
FF 16.0.2
Windows 7 32 Bit
FF 16.0.2

Prioritized items (former Bugs and Enhancements)

Prioritization happens into three categories:
  1. Important/must
  2. Do if enough resources, otherwise phase 3
  3. Nice to have

Priority 1

  • checked Clarification of installer requirements (installer start page): Tomcat 6 or 7, PostGreSQL 9, PostGIS 1.5/2.0, Java 1.6 or higher (from Phase 2)
  • checked Transfer the installer and admin to the SOS 4.0 implementation branch and implement the configuration storage and loading from the database. (high priority) -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-30
    • checked merge the examples of both versions and remove obsolete html/js/css files -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-14
    • checked check which parts of the sos have to be reinitialized when a specific setting changes (together with Carsten...) -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-14
  • checked Test data
    • checked Possibilty of removing dummy data -- AlberSanchez - 2012-10-16 (from Phase 2)
    • checked create a SOS v4 compatible test data set -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-14
    • checked change identifiers of all dummy data to "TESTDATA_{waterlevel, foi_001} > positive side effect: People will not deploy SOS with only test data (from Phase 2)
  • checked On Finish-Step: "Error! Could not create sos tables: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch-Eintrag 30 CREATE INDEX foiGeomIndex ON feature_of_interest USING GIST (geom GIST_GEOMETRY_OPS) wurde abgebrochen. Rufen Sie 'getNextException' auf, um die Ursache zu erfahren." -- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05 -- DustinDemuth - 2012-11-06 -- HolgerHopmann - 2012-11-06
  • checked When not completing the setup and trying to log into admin: Exception "HTTP Status 500 - /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/52nsosv350/WEB-INF/conf/dssos.config (Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)" -- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05 -- DustinDemuth - 2012-11-06
  • checked StringIndexOutOfBoundsException with incorrect Query-URL is not correct -- DustinDemuth - 2012-11-06
  • checked Trailing slash problem: redirect all requests to a/ to a -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-08
  • checked Check rights to read spatial_ref_sys -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-08
  • checked Going back from install/finish: When being at install/database, back points to install/index which gives an error (HTTP 404 - Resource not available)-- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05
  • checked Test Client
    • checked ns:ExceptionReport "The requested servlet path with pattern '/SOS/sos' is not supported by this SOS!" when sending GetCapabilities 1.0.0, both inline and not inline.
      • partly fixed. The examples contain a lot of requests, that are not compatible with the SOS4. This includes all v1.0.0 requests and also the v2.0.0 POST requests -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-15
    • checked GetCapabilities 2.0.0 does work inline, but not with form submit. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
  • checked Database Panel
    • checked Query for latest observations does not work "Error! Unable to execute the query. Cause : FEHLER: Spalte »procedure_id« existiert nicht Position: 8". -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
    • checkedError should disappear if I repress "Send" once more - currently it is shown once for each request and there is no "clear all errors" button... -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
      • errors are faded out after 5 seconds

Priority 2

  • checked Service identification settings > everything is optional? recheck that with the specification. many things are NOT optional I think. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked Add functionality to insert and remove test data after the installation. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-15 (from Phase 2)
  • checked Add examples for Windows and Linux OS for creation of database user account and database table (based on postgistemplate) (from Phase 2)
    • should there really be a detailed description or is the link to the postgis/postgresql installation guide enough? -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-08 (from Phase 2)
      • If there is a good (official) tutorial where the link will exist long term > yes, that's enough. However, we should already make clear that this works different depending on the OS. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-08
  • checked Add link (!) to GPL to first page and some nice welcoming words (involve Community Lead!) (from Phase 2)
  • checked Lorem ipsum on Welcome Screen (Installer and SOS landing page!) -- DustinDemuth - 2012-11-02, -- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05
  • checked On install/database: The password field simulates security when not showing the database user password but two field beneath the password is shown in PLAIN TEXT. -- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05
  • checked Admin password should be entered twice in installer. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked Admin password change only with existing password, and new password twice. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked "The endpoint URL of this sos." > mention what this is used for (capabilities document?!) -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked "Checking this checkbox will" > remove phrase on database configuration page -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25, → Just state what will happen like: "Create the necessary tables in the database."-- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05
  • checked Fix headlines for footer, some styling is overwritten there. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked "Service Provider File": Include examples in the field description. Does this mean a local file, e.g. "/home/user/sosconfig/provider.xml"? -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
  • checked Admin Panel: Remove dummy text completely, including "This is the ..." and just say "use the menu above to select different administrative tasks". -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
  • checked Remove any header image - it has nothing to do with SOS or the Installer, and too much branding is not neccessary! -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked Instead, add regular 52N logo on index page, adminstrative login, and test client in a similar fashion and same size than it is on the regular homepage. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked How to reset the password in the case of a lost password? -- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05
    • Suggestions how to do this? -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
      • Maybe we say that we store the password in clear text in the database? -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
        • Would be one line in a conifg file... But I don't know if that would be a good idea. -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-15
      • Supply a small script/cli-application that generates a new password and saves it to the database? -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-15
      • Create the administrator with an mail address and send a temporary password to this address -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-15
  • checked Test client: Does service URL have to be a editable field? Can that not just be a normal text for information? Other URLs should not work anyway, right (cross site scripting?) -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
    • You can access just any 52N SOS (and by now hopefully the WPS too ) out there as the SOS is CORS compliant -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-15

Priority 3

  • checked Missing information about the user that is created: what will it be used for? -- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05
  • checked In the menu on top the step are seemingly links (mouseover change), but they are not. Remove mouseover or make links work. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
  • checked "Warning! This will erase the entire database." > appear when the checkbox is checked, disappear when unchecked? -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25

Won't Fix

  • Test client: Allow selection of the request first, then the version > easier comparison of the different versions of requests. -- DanielNuest - 2012-10-25
    • Not a good idea. There are different requests, different examples for every request, etc. -- ChristianAuterman - 2012-11-08 > OK. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-08
  • install should be protected by default admin backend user -- EikeHinderkJuerrens - 2012-11-05
    • why should we secure the installer? it is not accessible after finishing the installation -- ChristianAuterman - 2012-11-08 > seconded -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-08

Phase 3

Testers: checkedSimon, checked Henning, checked Ann

Installation Instructions

Additional Instructions for Testbed

  • Log in to the adminstrative backend and change some settings, inspect if they are actually changed correctly (e.g. in the Capabilties document)
  • Send some test requests to the server.
  • Click randomly on buttons and try to break things.
  • Remove test data or reset the whole service.


Please add your signature for potential requesting of clarifications, and also add your signature to an already existing item. If you do not have write access to this wiki, feel free to submit your bugs directly to

User OS Tomcat PostgreSQL PostGIS Java Broswer(s)
Windows 7
Firefox 17
Windows 7
IE 9
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Firefox 17
Windows 7
IE 9

Bugs/Important Features

  • checked Encoding
    • checked With wrong DB connection details the encoding in the error string is not correct: "Passwort-Authentifizierung f?r Benutzer ?postgres? fehlgeschlagen" -- HenningBredel - 2012-11-28
    • checked Settings: check for unsupported characters: entering üäö ßßß comes out "üäö ßßßß" > disallow any non-ASCII ones for now.
      • Disabling those characters would probably be more work than fixing the issue. But i can't reproduce it on my machine... -- ChristianAutermann - 2012-11-19
  • checked I saw the option "Upload a previous configuration file" when executing the installer. However, it was not clear to me what this means (at least in IE9 there were no input fields associated to this functionality) -- SimonJirka
  • Installer (via Mail by Carsten), seconded -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-27
    • checked Da wir Hibernate nutzen, sollten noch mindestens die Felder zum Setzen des 'Hibernate Dialects' und für den 'Connection Pool' vorhanden sein. Dies wäre auch nötig, wenn wir in der Zukunft mit dem Installer auch andere DBMS unterstützen wollen.
      • checked Aufteilung
        • Database configuration
          • username
          • password
          • database name
        • Database Server configuration (collapsed)
          • port
          • host
        • Advanced database server configuration (collapsed)
          • connection stirng
          • connection pool
          • hibernate dialect
        • Actions
          • checked disable create if delete is checked
          • checked simpler text
    • checked Actions: Viel Text und es wird auf den ersten Blick nicht klar, was die Checkbox bedeutet. Hier wäre es hilfreich, die Schlagwörter in Fett zu drucken (create, delete, insert, tables) oder folgende Darstellung wobei der erste Teil Fett sein sollte: "Create tables - Checking this checkbox will create the necessary tables in the database."
    • checked Under Actions I would delete the "Checking this checkbox will". Just write "Create the necessary tables in the database.", etc. -- HenningBredel - 2012-11-28
  • checked Service Identification File: Is it possible to separate the particular setting items from choosing a file? A user might have such file and sees after putting all settings by hand that he can upload it, overriding all the settings just made => usability (the same is true for service provider tab) -- HenningBredel - 2012-11-28
    • Add headers to both section
  • checked Capabilities Keywords contain empty keywords (when set for example "key1, key3, , , key4 -- HenningBredel - 2012-11-28
  • The welcome page needs to have a link to a contributors website -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-21
    • Google Summer of Code
    • Names: Stasch, Hollman, StClair, Kmoch, Autermann, ...
  • Test client
    • checked select GetCapabilities request, send it with inline response, then refresh the browser view > I cannot change the request example anymore, the dropdown box is blocked. Browser: Firefox 17. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-21
    • checked If I select a SOAP request and then a KVP request both are visible in the test client. Only one of them should be shown to be clear what request is sent > actually gives Error "<ns:ExceptionReport ... HTTP POST is no supported for KVP binding!". -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-21
      • checked Enhancement: If I select a KVP request, then the textarea for the XML requests is resized or disappears so that I don't have to scroll to see the Send button. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-21
    • checked Neben dem drop-down menue für die Version wäre es sicherlich auch ganz nett, wenn es ein drop-down fürs Binding geben würde. So wäre die Liste im Request drop-down übersichtlicher. (via Mail by Carsten), seconded -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-27
    • checked Bei den SOAP-Requests wäre folgende Andordnung besser: GetCapabilties, DescribeSensor, GetObservation, GetFeatureOfInterest, ... . (via Mail by Carsten), seconded -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-27
  • checked Implement password reset mechanism, document it on installer final page -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-21
    • checked Store password as secure hashes.
    • checked created simple a simple SQL file that sets the password to 'password'
      • Do I understand it correctly that we will ask users to execute that file and they can then login with "password" as the password?
        Nice idea because it still supports the hashes, and it's secure because you have to have database access for that. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-28
    • checked description of the mechanism on the login and install finish page
  • Database admin
    • changable database settings in a new subpage
    • Add tab (and move Query Database into a tab) for database connection configuration. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-21
    • Dort steht 'Use the menu above to select different administrative tasks.' aber in der menue bar stehen nur 'Home', 'Test Client' und 'Admin. Als ich das erste Mal den Admin gestartet hatte fragte ich mich, wo soll ich was auswählen? Hier wäre es vielleicht hilfreich zu beschreiben, dass man auf das 'Admin' menue gehen soll. (via Mail by Carsten), seconded -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-27
      • adjust the text
  • Typos/Clarifications
    • checked On last installer page, "using the 52°SOS!" -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-22
    • checked "has to switch coordinates from long/lat to lat/long." on miscelleaneous settings should not be using lat/long, but "has to switch coordinate order, for example from lat/lon to lon/lat, or from x/y to y/x." -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-22
    • checked Service Provider: Example Adress misses a 't': Marin-Luther-King-Weg 24, City: Muenster => Why no writing Münster? -- HenningBredel - 2012-11-28
    • Miscellaneous Settings: Example for "Date format of Geography Markup Language" -- HenningBredel - 2012-11-28
      • ask carsten
    • checked Finish: thanks for using the 52° SOS! <= 52°North SOS! -- HenningBredel - 2012-11-28
  • checked install/database:
    • checked … JDBC driver for your database server.
  • checked success message on installer pages
  • checked admin/settings: misc/service settings default button
  • checked admin/finish
    • checked parnel
    • checked The password is stored as clear text in the database.
    • checked 52° SOS!
  • checked Final page: Add a sentence: "If your SOS instance is publically available please inform the community on so that many people can profit from your hard work. If you like your SOS can also be listed in our Wiki as an example (" -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-26
  • checked Change textbox settings for test client: it would be nice if I can resize the textbox. -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-15
  • checked Recache capabilities
  • checked Test requests working with test data
    • Alternative/Addition: Add a "*" to all requests that do NOT work with the test data (should be the minority) and put that in a footnote. -- DanielNuest - 2012-12-03
  • checked Add content to adminstrator start page: installed version of SOS
  • checked SQL example requests: get all FOIs, get all procedures starting with "XZ_", ... -- DanielNuest - 2012-11-21


  • Topic created by: DanielNuest
  • Topic created on: 2012-10-26
Topic revision: r21 - 11 Dec 2012, ChristianAutermann
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