
Source Code Management System

All current security modules are located in the our Subversion repository (Browse)

Top level modules

line_ur 52n-security-api basic modules
line_ur 52n-security-apps mainly war archives
line_ur 52n-security-site the site you get at
line_ur 52n-security-xml xml schemas and java bindings (mainly xmlbeans)


The module consists of 52n-security-core, -client, -service, and -facade sub-modules. The sub-modules contain the "core" authentication/autorization functionality as well as service specific classes and configurations.

This top level module and its sub-modules are all versioned together, i.e. the 52n-security-api version 1.2 consists of -client, -core, -service, -facade sub-modules carrying the same version number.

Version lines


The 1.2 version line reched its end-of-life. The 1.2 API is the base for WAS 1.2, WSS 1.2 and WSC.Web 1.2

  • Last release: 1.2.0


The 2.0 version line is the latest stable development branch. It was subject of heavy refactoring work and received a massive input from the IfGI's geo-e-biz team. They contributed implementations for the following services:

  • AuthN (SOAP interface for WAS)
  • Gatekeeper (SOAP interface for WSS)
  • XACML PDP (SOAP interface for PDP that works on XACML-compliant policy files)
  • LicenseManager (SOAP service to create OWS4 licenses)

  • Last release: 2.0

  • Next release: 2.0.1

2.1 (trunk)

The 2.0 version line is the latest unstable development branch. Again it was subject of heavy refactoring work. We especially reorganized the module structure and split 52n-security-core, -service, and -facade into to service-specific sub-modules. The xml-beans part was outsourced into a separate top-level module.

  • Current version: 2.1-SNAPSHOT

other branches

All other branches of the API module are deprecated

General Roadmap

There is still some work left concerning module reconstruction, e.g. eleminate unwanted dependencies from one module to another.


52n-security-apps (-aggregator) just an aggregator to enable a grouped build
line_ur 52n-security-apps common parent of all apps
line_ur 52n-security-authn-webapp deprecated: use STS instead
line_ur 52n-security-facade-webapp WSC.Web
line_ur 52n-security-facade-desktop WSC.Desktop
line_ur 52n-security-gatekeeper-aar Gatekeeper Axis2 service
line_ur 52n-security-gatekeeper-webapp Gatekeeper
line_ur 52n-security-licman-webapp LicenseManager
line_ur 52n-security-pdp-webapp XACML PDP Service
line_ur 52n-security-sts-webapp STS
line_ur 52n-security-was-webapp WAS
line_ur 52n-security-wss-webapp WSS

The 52n-security-apps collects all applictions (web apps, desktop apps, ...) based on the 52n security API.

The -app module itself is just an umbrella module having its own independent version and will change very rarely. Every application will follow its own versioning scheme.

In most cases it does'nt make sense to check out the complete 52n-security-apps module. Developers should always just checkout the specific application they want to build.

The current version is 2.1.

The module has a branch that is deprecated because it makes no sense as all applications follow their own version scheme and sould create individual branches.


This is the Web Authentication Service (WAS) web application.

  • Current Developers: Jan Drewnak

There are is also a deprecated branch containing a specialized FOSS4G 2007 edition with customized paths and other configuration things.


This is the Web Security Service (WSS) web application.

  • Current Developers: Jan Drewnak

There are is also a deprecated branch containing a specialized FOSS4G 2007 edition with customized paths and other configuration things.


This is the Web Security Client for the Web (WSC.Web) application (also called "gateway", "facade service", "proxy")

  • Current Developers: Jan Drewnak, Thorsten Deelmann

There are is also a deprecated branch containing a specialized FOSS4G 2007 edition with customized paths and other configuration things.


This is the desktop based version of the WSC.

  • Current Developers: Jan Drewnak

Old, unsupported version 1.1.3 There is already existing an old version 1.1.3 that can be downloaded here: It was mainly developed by the Fraunhofer ISST (Dortmund) Team in 2003/04.

New version The goal is to create a WSC.Desktop with completely redesigned user interface, based on the Security API 1.2 or 2.0. The development of it was just started and the module has nearly no content.


  • Current Developers: ???


  • Current Developers: Martin Wilden


  • Current Developers: Stefan Blume


  • Current Developers: Jan Drewnak


The build tools contain supplementary stuff.

Current features

  • Checkstyle definition incl. 52n license header


Contains the genral 52N security community site with general information and links to the API and applications modules.


Shall be replaced by site inside the content management system of

This topic: Security > WebHome > SecurityModules
Topic revision: 15 Oct 2014, EikeJuerrens
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